range estimate
Смотреть что такое "range estimate" в других словарях:
estimate — I n. 1) to give, make; submit an estimate (the contractors had to submit estimates) 2) (colloq.) (AE) a ballpark ( approximate ) estimate 3) an approximate, rough; conservative; long range; preliminary; short range; written estimate 4) an… … Combinatory dictionary
estimate — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ official, unofficial ▪ current, recent ▪ Current estimates suggest that supplies will run out within six months. ▪ early … Collocations dictionary
range — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 different things within the same category ADJECTIVE ▪ broad, enormous, extensive, great, huge, large, vast, wide ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Shooting range — An outdoor shooting range with a sheltered shooting stand and several other unsheltered stands. The targets are placed at the foot of the mountain, which the photo is taken from. This particular range is in use by both civilians and by the… … Wikipedia
Reference range — Reference ranges edit in: blood urine CSF feces In health related fields, a reference range or reference interval usually describes the variations of a measurement or value in healthy i … Wikipedia
prepayment estimate — A reasonable and supportable forecast of loan prepayments. In the case of a mortgage backed security, it is the forecast of principal amortization caused by loan prepayments. A single prepayment estimate is associated with each projected interest … Financial and business terms
Duncan's new multiple range test — In statistics, Duncan s new multiple range test (MRT) is a multiple comparison procedure developed by David B. Duncan in 1955. Duncan s MRT belongs to the general class of multiple comparison procedures that use the studentized range statistic qr … Wikipedia
Long range planning — Planning for the future has had a long history. The East India Company may not have promised to win the whole of the Indian subcontinent as a result of its efforts (though it ultimately did just that), but it certainly did understand it was… … Wikipedia
Studentized range — In statistics, the studentized range computed from a list x 1, ..., x n of numbers is: frac{max{,x 1,dots,x n,} min{,x 1,dots,x n,{s}, where: s^2 = frac{1}{n 1}sum {i=1}^n (x i overline{x})^2, is the sample variance and: overline{x} = frac{x 1 +… … Wikipedia
World population — estimates from 1800 to 2100, based on UN 2004 projections (red, orange, green) and US Censu … Wikipedia
Arctic Regions — ▪ 2009 The Arctic regions may be defined in physical terms (astronomical [north of the Arctic Circle, latitude 66° 30′ N], climatic [above the 10 °C (50 °F) July isotherm], or vegetational [above the northern limit of the tree line]) or in human… … Universalium