range bin
Смотреть что такое "range bin" в других словарях:
Bin packing problem — Problème de bin packing Le problème de bin packing relève de la recherche opérationnelle et de l optimisation combinatoire. Il s agit de trouver le rangement le plus économique possible pour un ensemble d articles dans des boîtes. Le problème… … Wikipédia en Français
Bin (computational geometry) — In computational geometry, the bin data structure allows efficient region queries, i.e., if there are some axis aligned rectangles on a 2D plane, answer the question Given a query rectangle, return all rectangles intersecting it . kd tree is… … Wikipedia
Bin Laden Issue Station — The Bin Laden Issue Station (1996 2005) was a unit of the Central Intelligence Agency dedicated to tracking Osama bin Laden.Soon after its creation the Station developed a new, deadlier vision of bin Laden s activities. In 1999 the CIA… … Wikipedia
Probleme de bin packing — Problème de bin packing Le problème de bin packing relève de la recherche opérationnelle et de l optimisation combinatoire. Il s agit de trouver le rangement le plus économique possible pour un ensemble d articles dans des boîtes. Le problème… … Wikipédia en Français
Problème de bin packing — Le problème de bin packing relève de la recherche opérationnelle et de l optimisation combinatoire. Il s agit de trouver le rangement le plus économique possible pour un ensemble d articles dans des boîtes. Le problème classique se définit en une … Wikipédia en Français
Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories — The death of Osama bin Laden gave rise to various conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and rumors.[1] These include the ideas that bin Laden had been dead for years, or is still alive. Doubts about bin Laden s death were fueled by the U.S. military s… … Wikipedia
Oregon Coast Range — This article is about the range in Oregon. For the larger grouping also known as the Coast Ranges, see Pacific Coast Ranges. Oregon Coast Range Coast Range Range … Wikipedia
Long Range Aviation — ( ru. Дальняя Авиация, Dalnaya Aviatsiya , or ru. ДА, DA ) was the branch of the Soviet Air Force tasked with long range bombardment of strategic targets with nuclear weapons. During the Cold War, it was the counterpart to the Strategic Air… … Wikipedia
Militant activity of Osama bin Laden — Osama bin Laden, a militant Islamist and reported founder al Qaeda,[1] in conjunction with several other Islamic militant leaders, issued two fatawa in 1996 and then again in 1998 that Muslims should kill civilians and military personnel from the … Wikipedia
Wheelie bin — A wheelie bin is a type of waste container and is made in several different types. TOC They are known by different names. In the United States it is technically known as a mobile garbage bin or MGB. Green bin is a term used in Canada and the… … Wikipedia
Central Oregon Coast Range — Geobox | Range name= Central Oregon Coast Range other name= country= United States state= Oregon state1= parent = Oregon Coast Range parent1 = Pacific Coast Ranges border= Northern Oregon Coast Range border1= Southern Oregon Coast Range geology=… … Wikipedia