random scatter

random scatter
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "random scatter" в других словарях:

  • scatter — [skat′ər] vt. [ME skateren, ult. < IE * sked , to split, disperse < base * sek , to cut > L secare] 1. a) to throw here and there or strew loosely; sprinkle b) to sprinkle over (with) something 2. to separate and drive in many… …   English World dictionary

  • scatter — ► VERB 1) throw in various random directions. 2) separate and move off in different directions. 3) (be scattered) occur or be found at various places rather than all together. 4) Physics deflect or diffuse (electromagnetic radiation or particles) …   English terms dictionary

  • scatter — scatterable, adj. scatterer, n. scatteringly, adv. /skat euhr/, v.t. 1. to throw loosely about; distribute at irregular intervals: to scatter seeds. 2. to separate and drive off in various directions; disperse: to scatter a crowd. 3. Physics. a.… …   Universalium

  • scatter — scat•ter [[t]ˈskæt ər[/t]] v. t. 1) to throw loosely about: to scatter seeds[/ex] 2) to cause to disperse: to scatter a crowd[/ex] 3) phs to diffuse or deflect (a wave or beam of radiation) by collision with particles of the medium it traverses… …   From formal English to slang

  • scatter — I. verb Etymology: Middle English scateren, schateren to disperse, break up, destroy; akin to Middle Dutch schaderen to scatter Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. a. to cause to separate widely b. to cause to vanish 2. archaic to fling away… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • scatter — v. & n. v. 1 tr. a throw here and there; strew (scattered gravel on the road). b cover by scattering (scattered the road with gravel). 2 tr. & intr. a move or cause to move in flight etc.; disperse (scattered to safety at the sound). b disperse… …   Useful english dictionary

  • scatter-bomb — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ verb Etymology: scatter bomb transitive verb : to bomb with scatter bombs intransitive verb : to bomb a target so that the bombs land in a loose or random pattern …   Useful english dictionary

  • scatter — 01. The papers in the room were [scattered] all over the floor. 02. The zebras quickly [scattered] as the lion charged at the herd. 03. Children [scattered] flowers before the wedding couple as they exited the church. 04. My children s bedroom… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • scatter — /ˈskætə / (say skatuh) verb (t) 1. to throw loosely about; distribute at irregular intervals. 2. to separate and drive off in various directions; disperse. 3. Physics as in an interaction with matter, to deflect (any beam of radiation),… …  

  • scatter — verb 1》 throw in various random directions.     ↘separate or cause to separate and move off in different directions.     ↘(be scattered) occur or be found at various places rather than all together. 2》 Physics deflect or diffuse (electromagnetic… …   English new terms dictionary

  • scatter — I. v. a. 1. Strew, sprinkle, throw about loosely. 2. Sprinkle on, besprinkle. 3. Dissipate, disperse, separate, spread. 4. Disunite, distract, confound, harass. 5. Dispel, frustrate, disappoint, overthrow. II. v. n. Disperse, straggle, go at… …   New dictionary of synonyms

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