- ranching
- Ranching
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
ranching — n. m. (Anglicisme) ELEV Méthode d élevage que l on pratique dans les ranchs … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ranching — Der Begriff Ranching bezeichnet eine Form der extensiven Tierproduktion die vor allem in Nordamerika, Südamerika, Südafrika, Australien und Neuseeland verbreitet ist. Auf einer Ranch, dem Landbesitz einschließlich gleichnamigem Wohnhaus des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ranching — Élevage extensif L élevage extensif (pâturage extensif, ou ranching pour les anglosaxons) est une méthode d élevage de bovins ou d autres animaux impliquant une faible densité d animaux (peu de bêtes à l hectare). Rennes en Suède Aucun apport… … Wikipédia en Français
ranching — 1. verb Present participle of ranch. 2. adjective Of or pertaining to a ranch, or the the work performed on one. He has a ranching operation up in the valley. 3. noun The process or act of operating or working on a … Wiktionary
ranching — noun Ranching is used after these nouns: ↑cattle … Collocations dictionary
ranching — ranch|ing [ˈra:ntʃıŋ US ˈræn ] n [U] the activity or business of operating a ranch ▪ cattle ranching … Dictionary of contemporary English
ranching — [[t]rɑ͟ːntʃɪŋ, ræ̱n [/t]] N UNCOUNT Ranching is the activity of running a large farm, especially one used for raising cattle, horses, or sheep … English dictionary
ranching — commercial raising of fishes. Usually juvenile fish are released to a natural habitat for growth to a harvestable size, but see tuna ranch … Dictionary of ichthyology
ranching — vast, extensive livestock farms, usually found in remote, marginal areas which are not viable for other types of farming … Geography glossary
Ranching — Ran|ching 〈[ra:ntʃıŋ] od. [ræ:ntʃıŋ] n. 15; unz.〉 die Arbeit auf einer Ranch, das Führen einer Ranch [<engl. ranch „(Vieh )Farm“] … Universal-Lexikon
RANCHING — a term of Spanish derivation applied to the business of rearing cattle, as carried on in the southern and western States of America; vast herds of cattle in a half wild condition are raised on the wide stretches of prairie land, and are tended … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia