Смотреть что такое "rake-comb" в других словарях:
rake — [v] scrape up, hoe break up, clean up, clear, clear up, collect, comb, enfilade, examine, fine comb, fine tooth comb*, gather, grade, graze, grub, harrow, hunt, ransack, rasp, remove, rummage, scan, scour, scrape, scratch, scrutinize, search,… … New thesaurus
comb — [v1] arrange hair adjust, card, cleanse, curry, disentangle, dress, groom, hackle, hatchel, lay smooth, rasp, scrape, separate, smooth, sort, straighten, tease, untangle; concept 162 comb [v2] search by ransacking beat, beat the bushes*, examine … New thesaurus
comb — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. scrape; card; dress, tease, back comb; search. See cleanness, inquiry. II (Roget s IV) n. Combs include the following hair comb, ivorycomb, currycomb, flax comb, carding knife, graining instrument; … English dictionary for students
comb — n 1. fine tooth comb, serration, serrated edge, toothed strip; hair comb, hairbrush, brush, currycomb; card; rake, harrow. 2. cock s comb, crest, tuft, Zool. caruncle, topknot; growth, Zool. beard, outgrowth, ridge, spine; feather, plume, panache … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
rake — I verb 1) he raked the leaves into a pile Syn: scrape up, collect, gather 2) she raked the gravel Syn: smooth, smooth out, level, even out, flatten, comb 3) the cat raked his arm with … Thesaurus of popular words
rake — I. /reɪk / (say rayk) noun 1. a long handled tool with teeth or tines for gathering together hay or the like, breaking and smoothing the surface of ground, etc. 2. a similar implement used in agriculture, especially one drawn by a tractor. 3. any …
comb. — 1. combination. 2. combined. 3. combining. 4. combustion. * * * comb1 «kohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a) a piece of metal, rubber, plastic, or bone, with teeth, used to arrange or straighten the hair, or to hold it in place: »She ran a comb through… … Useful english dictionary
comb´like´ — comb1 «kohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a) a piece of metal, rubber, plastic, or bone, with teeth, used to arrange or straighten the hair, or to hold it in place: »She ran a comb through her hair to get out the snarls. b) = currycomb. (Cf. ↑currycomb) 2 … Useful english dictionary
comb´less — comb1 «kohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a) a piece of metal, rubber, plastic, or bone, with teeth, used to arrange or straighten the hair, or to hold it in place: »She ran a comb through her hair to get out the snarls. b) = currycomb. (Cf. ↑currycomb) 2 … Useful english dictionary
rake — rake1 rakable, rakeable, adj. raker, n. /rayk/, n., v., raked, raking. n. 1. an agricultural implement with teeth or tines for gathering cut grass, hay, or the like or for smoothing the surface of the ground. 2. any of various implements having a … Universalium
rake — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a an implement consisting of a pole with a crossbar toothed like a comb at the end, or with several tines held together by a crosspiece, for drawing together hay etc. or smoothing loose soil or gravel. b a wheeled implement for… … Useful english dictionary