raise a subscription

raise a subscription
собирать деньги по подписке (для чего-л.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "raise a subscription" в других словарях:

  • Subscription (finance) — Subscription refers to the process of investors signing up and committing to invest in a financial instrument, before the actual closing of the purchase. Contents 1 New issues 1.1 Subscription period 1.2 Allotment 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Subscription library — A subscription library (also membership library or independent library) is a library that is financed by private funds either from membership fees or endowments. Unlike a public library, access is often restricted to members, but access rights… …   Wikipedia

  • subscription — Agreement to buy new issue of securities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Acquisition of shares or units in a fund by an investor. NYSE Euronext Glossary * * * subscription sub‧scrip‧tion [səbˈskrɪpʆn] noun 1. [countable] an amount of money you… …   Financial and business terms

  • Subscription Price — 1. A static price at which existing shareholders can participate in a rights offering conducted by a public company so they may retain their proportional ownership of the business. The subscription price will be the same for all shareholders and… …   Investment dictionary

  • Fingask Castle Subscription Mural — The Fingask Subscription Mural, at Fingask Castle is one of the contemporary visual wonders of Tayside, Scotland.Fingask castle is home to a subscriptive and accretive mural by Ivan Govorkov and Lena Gubanova of St. Petersburg. The ongoing… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital Subscription Fund — Capital Subscription FundA Capital Subscription Fund is method of funding used for listed companies whereby a facility is provided in exchange for ordinary stock in the company, typically at an agreed discount to the market price. The facility… …   Wikipedia

  • Private investment capital subscription — A private investment capital subscription, commonly referred to as PICS, is a financial tool that relies on a small pool of investors’ money for real estate investments. The money managers of private investment capital subscriptions or PICS are… …   Wikipedia

  • Sirius XM Radio — Infobox Company name = Sirius XM Radio, Inc. logo = type = Public (NASDAQ|SIRI) foundation = XM 1988 (as American Mobile Radio Corporation) Sirius May 17, 1990 (formation of Sirius as Satellite CD Radio, Inc.) Sirius XM July 29, 2008 (acquisition …   Wikipedia

  • Archdiocese of New York —     New York, Archdiocese of     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Archdiocese of New York     ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK (NEO EBORACENSIS).     See erected 8 April, 1808; made archiepiscopal 19 July, 1850; comprises the Boroughs of Manhattan, Bronx, and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Church of St. Luke and The Epiphany (Philadelphia) — Church of St. Luke and The Epiphany Church of St. Luke and The Epiphany …   Wikipedia

  • Barnwood House Hospital — (1860 1968) was a private mental hospital in Barnwood, Gloucester, England. It was founded by the Gloucester Asylum Trust in 1860 as Barnwood House Institution and later became known as Barnwood House Hospital. [http://www.british… …   Wikipedia

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