Смотреть что такое "rain-swept" в других словарях:
rain|swept — «RAYN SWEHPT», adjective. exposed to driving rain: »a rainswept courtyard … Useful english dictionary
rain-swept — also rainswept ADJ: ADJ n A rain swept place is a place where it is raining heavily. He looked up and down the rain swept street. ...a cold and rainswept evening … English dictionary
Rain or Shine Elasto Painters — Infobox PBA team color1=#cd3301 color2=#fde334 name=Rain or Shine Elasto Painters logo=Rain or Shine Elasto Painters.jpg picsize=95 founded=2006 07 history= In the PBL: Welcoat House Paints 1996 1999 Welcoat Paint Masters 2000 2005 St. Benilde… … Wikipedia
Latter Rain Movement — The Latter Rain was a post World War II movement within Pentecostal Christianity which remains controversial to this day. For clarification in discussion of the Latter Rain a distinction should be made between: *The Latter Rain Revival (1948… … Wikipedia
Latter Rain (post–World War II movement) — The Latter Rain, also known as the New Order or New Order of the Latter Rain, was a post–World War II movement within Pentecostal Christianity which remains controversial to this day. For clarification in discussion of the Latter Rain a… … Wikipedia
Coral Reefs: The Forgotten Rain Forests of the Sea — ▪ 1998 by Clive R. Wilkinson Because they harbour great concentrations of biodiversity, coral reefs have been called the rain forests of the sea. With hundreds of species of corals and fishes frequently found on a single reef, metre for… … Universalium
Spain — /spayn/, n. a kingdom in SW Europe. Including the Balearic and Canary islands, 39,244,195; 194,988 sq. mi. (505,019 sq. km). Cap.: Madrid. Spanish, España. * * * Spain Introduction Spain Background: Spain s powerful world empire of the 16th and… … Universalium
2009 Great Britain and Ireland floods — 2009 Great Britain and Ireland floods … Wikipedia
2007 Japanese Grand Prix — Infobox Grand Prix race report Type = F1 Country = Japan Grand Prix = Japanese date = September 30 Year = 2007 Caption = Fuji Speedway Race No = 15 Season No = 17 Official name = XXXIII Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix Location = Fuji Speedway … Wikipedia
Mazaruni River — The Mazaruni River is a river in northern Guyana, running from its source in the remote western forests of the Pakaraima Mountains to its confluence with the Cuyuni River near Bartica. As it descends from the Guiana Highlands the river runs south … Wikipedia
Pendeford — Coordinates: 52°37′24″N 2°08′52″W / 52.62327°N 2.14786°W / 52.62327; 2.14786 … Wikipedia