Смотреть что такое "rain-pit" в других словарях:
Rain Over Me — «Rain Over Me» … Википедия
rain-print — rainˈ print noun A little pit made by a raindrop in clay, etc, sometimes preserved in rocks • • • Main Entry: ↑rain … Useful english dictionary
pit|ter-pat|ter — «PIHT uhr PAT uhr», noun, adverb, verb. –n. a quick succession of light beats or taps; pitapat: »the pitter patter of rain or of a child s steps. –adv. with a rapid succession of beats or taps. –v.i. to go pitter patter: »“Just go ahead as you… … Useful english dictionary
Pit stop — For the technique to cause a car to spin around (and stop) quickly, see PIT maneuver. For other uses, see Pitstop. Indianapolis Motor Speedway Formula 1 pit lane and garages (right) adjacent to the oval racing lane … Wikipedia
pit — 1 noun 1 HOLE (C) a) a hole in the ground, especially one made by digging: Dig a pit and bury the rubbish in it. | a sand pit | a barbecue pit b) a large hole in the ground from which stones or minerals have been dug: a gravel pit 2 MARK (C) a) a … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Rain gauge — A rain gauge (also known as a udometer or a pluviometer [fluviograph] or a cup) is a type of instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation (as opposed to solid precipitation that is… … Wikipedia
pit — 1. noun /ˈpɪt/ a) A hole in the ground. His circus job was the pits, but at least he was in show business. b) A seed inside a fruit; a stone or pip inside a fruit. I felt pain in the pit of my stomach. 2 … Wiktionary
pit viper — any of numerous venomous snakes of the family Crotalidae, of the New World, Asia, and the Malay Archipelago, as the rattlesnake, water moccasin, and copperhead, having a heat sensitive pit on each side of the head between the eye and nostril.… … Universalium
Planet Pit — Planet Pit … Википедия
Saw pit — A saw pit or sawpit is a pit over which lumber is positioned to be sawed with a long two handled saw by two men, one standing above the timber and the other below. [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sawpit sawpit ] and… … Wikipedia
Planet Pit — Album par Pitbull Sortie 17 Juin 2011 Durée 42:49 (Édition Standard) 56:45 (Édition Deluxe) Genre Hip hop, electro hop, dance pop Producteur Affect, Afrojack, Apster … Wikipédia en Français