railhead — rail‧head [ˈreɪlhed] noun [countable] TRANSPORT the place where a railway line ends: • The barges pull up to a railhead. * * * railhead UK US /ˈreɪlhed/ noun [C] TRANSPORT ► the place where a railway line ends: »New piers and railheads will be a… … Financial and business terms
railhead — ► NOUN 1) a point on a railway from which roads and other transport routes begin. 2) the furthest point reached in constructing a railway … English terms dictionary
railhead — [rāl′hed΄] n. 1. the farthest point to which rails have been laid in a railroad 2. Mil. the point on a railroad at which supplies are unloaded and distributed … English World dictionary
Railhead — A railhead is a terminus of a railway line that interfaces with another transport mode, such as shipping.In the UK, railheading refers to the practice of travelling further than necessary to reach a rail service, typically by car. The phenomenon… … Wikipedia
railhead — UK [ˈreɪlˌhed] / US noun [countable] Word forms railhead : singular railhead plural railheads the place where a railway line ends … English dictionary
railhead — /ˈreɪlhɛd/ (say raylhed) noun 1. the farthest point to which a railway has been laid. 2. a railway depot at which supplies are transferred to or from rail transport: *The great wool carrier teams passed through Muttaburra on their way to the… …
railhead — geležinkelio iškrovimo stotis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Vieta geležinkelyje, kur kroviniai iš traukinių perkraunami į kitas transporto priemones. atitikmenys: angl. railhead pranc. terminal ferré ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – perkrovimo punktas … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
railhead — / reɪlhed/ noun the end of a railway line ● The goods will be sent to the railhead by lorry … Marketing dictionary in english
railhead — A point on a railway where loads are transferred between trains and other means of transport. See also navigation head … Military dictionary
railhead — noun Date: 1896 a point on a railroad at which traffic may originate or terminate … New Collegiate Dictionary
railhead — /rayl hed /, n. Railroads. 1. the farthest point to which the rails of a railroad have been laid. 2. the upper part of a rail, used for supporting and guiding the wheels of railroad cars. 3. a railroad depot at which supplies are unloaded to be… … Universalium