rail spur
Смотреть что такое "rail spur" в других словарях:
Friday-Graham Rail Spur — The Friday Graham Rail Spur is a branch rail line connecting the West Memphis Port to the Union Pacific Railroad near the city of West Memphis, Arkansas, United States. The railroad company serves the port directly via the spur. [Union Pacific… … Wikipedia
Rail transport in Australia — is to a large extent state based. The Australian rail network consists of a total of 33,819 km of track of three major gauges, of which 2,540 km is electrified. Fact|date=March 2008The majority of the Australian railway network infrastructure is… … Wikipedia
Rail transport in Queensland — has a long history, with the first line opening in 1865. Today it is the second largest narrow gauge railway network in the world.The first line was surveyed while the colony was still part of New South Wales, but the colony of Queensland had… … Wikipedia
Rail transport — Railroad and Railway both redirect here. For other uses, see Railroad (disambiguation). Rail transport is the conveyance of passengers and goods by means of wheeled vehicles specially designed to run along railways or railroads. Rail transport is … Wikipedia
Spur-Obus — Spurbus Essen Spurbus ist ein Verkehrssystem, bei dem Omnibusse bzw. Oberleitungsbusse entlang einer vorgegebenen Spur geführt werden. Diese Systeme werden auch als Omnibus Bahn (abgekürzt O Bahn) oder Busbahn bzw. Spur Obus bezeichnet. Während… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rail transport in South Australia — South Australia was the first colony in Australia to build a railway line. It was a horse drawn tramway from the port of Goolwa on the Murray River to an ocean harbour at Port Elliot in 1854. Today the state has RailGauge|1600 broad gauge… … Wikipedia
Rail transport in Western Australia — Railways in Western Australia were developed in the 19th century both the Government of Western Australia, and a number of private companies. Today passenger rail services are controlled by the Public Transport Authority (a department of the… … Wikipedia
Rail transport modelling scales — Further information: Rail transport modelling scale standards One of the smallest (Z scale, 1:220) placed on the buffer bar of one of the largest (Live steam, 1:8) model locomotives. Rail transport modelling utilises a variety of scales (ratio… … Wikipedia
Rail transport in Bolivia — All railways in Bolivia are RailGauge|1 gauge (meter gauge). The Antofogasto to Uyuni line was originally 30 inch gauge.For a UN MAP SEE [http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/map/profile/bolivia.pdf] Bolivia has had a peculiar development of… … Wikipedia
spur track — noun a railway line connected to a trunk line • Syn: ↑branch line, ↑spur • Hypernyms: ↑line, ↑railway line, ↑rail line • Hyponyms: ↑loop line * * * … Useful english dictionary
rail line — noun the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed • Syn: ↑line, ↑railway line • Hypernyms: ↑road, ↑route • Hyponyms: ↑branch line, ↑spur track, ↑ … Useful english dictionary