rail bolt

rail bolt
стяжной болт

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rail bolt" в других словарях:

  • Rail — Rail, n. [Akin to LG. & Sw. regel bar, bolt, G. riegel a rail, bar, or bolt, OHG. rigil, rigel, bar, bolt, and possibly to E. row a line.] 1. A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to another …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rail fence — Rail Rail, n. [Akin to LG. & Sw. regel bar, bolt, G. riegel a rail, bar, or bolt, OHG. rigil, rigel, bar, bolt, and possibly to E. row a line.] 1. A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rail guard — Rail Rail, n. [Akin to LG. & Sw. regel bar, bolt, G. riegel a rail, bar, or bolt, OHG. rigil, rigel, bar, bolt, and possibly to E. row a line.] 1. A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rail joint — Rail Rail, n. [Akin to LG. & Sw. regel bar, bolt, G. riegel a rail, bar, or bolt, OHG. rigil, rigel, bar, bolt, and possibly to E. row a line.] 1. A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rail train — Rail Rail, n. [Akin to LG. & Sw. regel bar, bolt, G. riegel a rail, bar, or bolt, OHG. rigil, rigel, bar, bolt, and possibly to E. row a line.] 1. A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rail tracks — are used on railways (or railroads), which, together with railroad switches (or points), guide trains without the need for steering. Tracks consist of two parallel steel rails, which are laid upon sleepers (or cross ties) that are embedded in… …   Wikipedia

  • Rail inspection — is the practice of examining rail tracks for flaws that could lead to catastrophic failures. According to the United States Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety Analysis, [ [http://safetydata.fra.dot.gov/officeofsafety/ Federal… …   Wikipedia

  • Rail fastening system — Elements of a baseplate based rail fastening system 1. Screw for fixing plate to sleeper 2. Elastomeric pad supporting rail 3. Tension washer 4. Rail clamp 5. Tensioning bolt (nut not shown) 6. Baseplate …   Wikipedia

  • Rail Regulator — The Rail Regulator was a statutory office created with effect from 1 December 1993 by section 1 of the Railways Act 1993 or the independent economic regulation of the British railway industry.The office was abolished from July 4 2004 using powers …   Wikipedia

  • Rail fence — Fence Fence (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chris Bolt — Christopher Bolt Born Oct 16 1982 in Monrovia CA. Interests are bmx,fmx, welding == Railways == In 1994, Bolt moved to the Office of the Rail Regulator to take up appointment as chief economist. After Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott MP… …   Wikipedia

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