Смотреть что такое "raffia" в других словарях:
Raffia — Raf fi*a (r[a^]f f[i^]*[.a]), n. (Bot.) A fibrous material used for tying plants, said to come from the leaves of a palm tree of the genus {Raphia}. J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
raffia — (n.) 1729, rofia, from Malagasy rafia. Modern form is attested from 1882; also raphia (1866) … Etymology dictionary
raffia — ► NOUN ▪ fibre from the leaves of a tropical palm tree of Africa and Madagascar, used for making hats, baskets, etc. ORIGIN Malagasy … English terms dictionary
raffia — [raf′ē ə] n. [< Malagasy rofia] 1. a palm tree (Raphia ruffia) of Madagascar, with large, pinnate leaves 2. fiber from its leaves, used as string or woven into baskets, hats, etc … English World dictionary
Raffia — Als Raffia oder auch Raphia bezeichnet man Textilien aus dem Bast der Raffia oder Bastpalme (Raphia farinifera). Die Fasern zeichnen sich durch große Dehnbarkeit und Festigkeit aus. Produkte, welche aus Raffia hergestellt werden, sind unter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
raffia — /raf ee euh/, n. a fiber obtained from the leaves of the raffia palm, used for tying plants and other objects and for making mats, baskets, hats, and the like. Also, raphia. [1880 85; earlier rofia raffia palm, said to be < Malagasy] * * * … Universalium
raffia — [[t]ræ̱fiə[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft N n Raffia is a fibre made from palm leaves. It is used to make mats and baskets. Some embroidered tablecloths or made raffia mats … English dictionary
raffia — raf•fi•a [[t]ˈræf i ə[/t]] n. pln tex a fiber obtained from the leaves of the raffia palm, used for tying plants and other objects and for making mats, baskets, hats, etc • Etymology: 1880–85; earlier rofia raffia palm, said to be < Malagasy … From formal English to slang
raffia — noun Etymology: Malagasy rafia Date: 1882 the fiber of the raffia palm used especially as cord for tying and weaving … New Collegiate Dictionary
raffia — noun 1》 a palm tree of tropical Africa and Madagascar, with a short trunk and extremely long leaves. [Raphia ruffia.] 2》 the fibre from raffia leaves, used for making hats, baskets, etc. Origin C18: from Malagasy … English new terms dictionary
raffia — UK [ˈræfɪə] / US noun [uncountable] a rough substance used for making baskets and other objects. Raffia comes from the leaves of a palm tree … English dictionary