radix number

radix number
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "radix number" в других словарях:

  • Radix (disambiguation) — Radix can refer to: *Radix, another word for mathematical bases *In botany, radix is the root of a plant **Also used for dorsal root and ventral root in anatomy. Derived terms e.g. radiculoneuropathy * Radix (novel), a science fiction novel by A …   Wikipedia

  • Radix — Ra dix (r[=a] d[i^]ks), n.; pl. L. {Radices} (r[a^]d [i^]*s[=e]z), E. {Radixes} (r[=a] d[i^]ks*[e^]z). [L. radix, icis, root. See {Radish}.] 1. (Philol.) A primitive word, from which spring other words; a radical; a root; an etymon. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • radix — [rā′diks] n. pl. radices [rad′ə sēz΄, rā′dəsēz] or radixes [L, ROOT1] 1. the root of a plant 2. RADICLE 3. Linguis. a root, or base 4. Math. a number made the base o …   English World dictionary

  • Radix sort — In computer science, radix sort is a sorting algorithm that sorts integers by processing individual digits. Because integers can represent strings of characters (e.g., names or dates) and specially formatted floating point numbers, radix sort is… …   Wikipedia

  • Radix economy — Various proposals have been made to quantify the relative costs between using different radices in representing numbers.DefinitionThe radix economy E ( b , N ) for any particular number N in a given base b is equal to the number of digits needed… …   Wikipedia

  • Radix — For other uses, see Radix (disambiguation). Numeral systems by culture Hindu Arabic numerals Western Arabic Eastern Arabic Indian family Tamil Burmese Khmer Lao Mongolian Thai East Asian numerals Chinese Japanese Suzhou …   Wikipedia

  • Radix point — In mathematics and computing, a radix point (or radix character) is the symbol used in numerical representations to separate the integer part of the number (to the left of the radix point) from its fractional part (to the right of the radix… …   Wikipedia

  • radix complement — noun The number which, added to the given n digit number in radix r, results in . In binary (), this is the twos complement. The radix complement of is . See Also: complement, diminished radix complement …   Wiktionary

  • radix of number system — skaičiavimo sistemos pagrindas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Skirtingų skaitmenų, vartojamų duotoje skaičiavimo sistemoje, skaičius. Skaičiavimo sistemos pirmasis skaitmuo lygus nuliui, o paskutinis – vienetu mažesnis už skaičiavimo… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • number system — noun any notation for the representation of numbers • Syn: ↑numeration system, ↑number representation system, ↑system of numeration • Members of this Topic: ↑base, ↑radix • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • radix — /ray diks/, n., pl. radices /rad euh seez , ray deuh /, radixes. 1. Math. a number taken as the base of a system of numbers, logarithms, or the like. 2. Anat., Bot. a root; radicle. [1565 75; < L radix root (cf. RACE3, RADICAL, RAMUS); akin to Gk …   Universalium

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