- radiolabel
- (специальное) радиоактивная метка (специальное) меченый радиоизотоп (специальное) в грам. знач. глаг.: метить радиоактивным изотопом, наносить радиоактивную метку
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
radiolabel — [rā΄dē ō lā′bəl] vt. radiolabeled or radiolabelled, radiolabeling or radiolabelling to label with a radioactive tracer n. TRACER (n. 4) … English World dictionary
radiolabel — ra·dio·la·bel lā bəl vt, la·beled or la·belled; la·bel·ing or la·bel·ling to label with a radioactive atom or substance <radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies> radiolabel n * * * ra·dio·la·bel (raґde o la″bəl) 1 … Medical dictionary
radiolabel — transitive verb Date: 1953 to label with a radioactive atom or substance … New Collegiate Dictionary
radiolabel — /ray dee oh lay beuhl/, v.t., radiolabeled, radiolabeling or (esp. Brit.) radiolabelled, radiolabelling. Chem. label (def. 12). [1950 55; RADIO + LABEL] * * * … Universalium
radiolabel — 1. verb To tag a substance (especially a biological substance) with a radioactive tracer 2. noun A radioactive tracer; a radiotracer … Wiktionary
radiolabel — ra·dio·label … English syllables
radiolabel — ra•di•o•la•bel [[t]ˌreɪ di oʊˈleɪ bəl[/t]] n. v. t. beled, bel•ing (esp. brit.) belled, bel•ling. 1) chem. label 8) 2) label 14) … From formal English to slang
radiolabel — ˌ transitive verb Etymology: radio + label : to label with a radioactive atom or substance * * * /ray dee oh lay beuhl/, v.t., radiolabeled, radiolabeling or (esp. Brit.) radiolabelled, radiolabelling. Chem. label (def. 12). [1950 55; RADIO +… … Useful english dictionary
Radioactivity in biological research — Radioactivity can be used in life sciences as a radiolabel to easily visualise components or target molecules in a biological system. Radionuclei are synthesised in particle accelerators and have short half lives, giving them high maximum… … Wikipedia
Cobalt — This article is about the metal. For other uses, see Cobalt (disambiguation). iron ← cobalt → nickel ↑ Co ↓ Rh … Wikipedia
Hydrogen — This article is about the chemistry of hydrogen. For the physics of atomic hydrogen, see Hydrogen atom. For other meanings, see Hydrogen (disambiguation). ← hydrogen → helium … Wikipedia