radio marker beacon

radio marker beacon
маркерный радиомаяк, радиомаркер

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "radio marker beacon" в других словарях:

  • radio-marker beacon — The beacons that serve to identify a particular location in space along an airway or approach to an instrument runway. This is done by means of a 75 MHz transmitter, which transmits a directional signal to be received by aircraft flying overhead …   Aviation dictionary

  • Marker beacon — A marker beacon is a particular type of VHF radio beacon used in aviation, usually in conjunction with an instrument landing system (ILS), to give pilots a means to determine position along an established route to a destination such as a runway.… …   Wikipedia

  • fan marker beacon — A type of radio beacon, the emissions of which radiate in a vertical, fan shaped pattern. The signal can be keyed for identification purposes. See also radio beacon …   Military dictionary

  • Z-marker beacon — Transmitter equipment installed as part of a four course radio range. It radiates vertically to indicate to aircraft when they pass directly over the range station; it is usually not keyed for identification. Range stations and Z markers are… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Radio navigation — or radionavigation is the application of radio frequencies to determining a position on the Earth. Like radiolocation, it is a type of radiodetermination.RDF / ADF / NDBThe first system of radio navigation was the Radio Direction Finder, or RDF.… …   Wikipedia

  • beacon — Synonyms and related words: AM transmitter, FM transmitter, Klaxon, Mayday, RT transmitter, Roman candle, SOS, Texas tower, Very flare, aid to navigation, air raid alarm, airport beacon, airway beacon, alarm, alarm bell, alarm clock, alarm signal …   Moby Thesaurus

  • radio transmitter — Synonyms and related words: AM transmitter, FM transmitter, RT transmitter, amateur transmitter, beacon, coaxial cable, fan marker, frequency converter, frequency doubler, frequency meter, microphone, mixer, modulator, monitor, oscillator, power… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • radio range — An obsolete radio directional aid that could be received by a normal wireless telegraph (W/T) receiver. A ground station transmitted repeatedly the Morse letters A or N over four sectors; the adjacent sectors were different. The overlapping of… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Non-directional beacon — Radio Tower of NKR Leimen Ochsenbach, Germany This symbol denotes an NDB on an aeronaut …   Wikipedia

  • marker — /mahr keuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that marks. 2. something used as a mark or indication, as a bookmark or tombstone. 3. a person who records the scores, points, etc., as in a game or contest. 4. a counter used in card playing. 5. Genetics.… …   Universalium

  • marker radio beacon — žymeklinis radijo švyturys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. marker radio beacon vok. Markierungsfunkfeuer, m rus. маркерный радиомаяк, m pranc. radioborne, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

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