radial retraction

radial retraction
мат. радиальная ретракция

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "radial retraction" в других словарях:

  • syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… …   Medical dictionary

  • List of muscles of the human body — Skeletal muscles homo sapiens Muscles of the human body: Overview Head  |  Neck  |&# …   Wikipedia

  • Bristol Beaufort — was also a car produced by Bristol Cars in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Infobox Aircraft name= Type 152 Beaufort caption= type=Torpedo bomber manufacturer=Bristol Aeroplane Company designer= first flight= 15 October 1938 introduction=… …   Wikipedia

  • Ununoctium — ununseptium ← ununoctium → ununennium Rn ↑ Uuo ↓ (Uho) …   Wikipedia

  • echinoderm — /i kuy neuh derrm , ek euh neuh /, n. any marine animal of the invertebrate phylum Echinodermata, having a radiating arrangement of parts and a body wall stiffened by calcareous pieces that may protrude as spines and including the starfishes, sea …   Universalium

  • Focke-Wulf Fw 190 — infobox Aircraft name =Fw 190 type =Fighter manufacturer = Primarily Focke Wulf Flugzeugbau AG, but also Ago, Arado, Fieseler, Mimetall, Norddeutsche Dornier and others caption = Fw 190 A designer =Kurt Tank first flight =1 June 1939 introduced… …   Wikipedia

  • Neural development — comprises the processes that generate, shape, and reshape the nervous system, from the earliest stages of embryogenesis to the final years of life. The study of neural development aims to describe the cellular basis of brain development and to… …   Wikipedia

  • Ligament — A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects various structures such as two bones. Ligament is a fitting term; it comes from the Latin ligare meaning to bind or tie. * * * 1. A band or sheet of fibrous tissue connecting two or… …   Medical dictionary

  • Carbon nanotube — Not to be confused with Carbon fiber. Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes …   Wikipedia

  • Nanchang CJ-6 — CJ 6 A Nanchang CJ 6 Role Basic Trainer Manufacturer …   Wikipedia

  • Insect morphology — Legend of body parts Tagmata : A Head, B Thorax, C Abdomen. 1. antenna 2. ocelli (lower) 3. ocelli (upper) 4. compound eye 5. brain (cerebral ganglia) 6. prothorax …   Wikipedia

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