radial distance

radial distance
расстояние по радиусу

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "radial distance" в других словарях:

  • radial — radial, ale 1. (ra di al, a l ) adj. Terme d anatomie. Qui a rapport au radius. Les muscles radiaux. L artère radiale.    S. m. Nom de certains muscles qui occupent la région radiale : le radial antérieur, le radial court externe, le radial long… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Radial (Luftfahrt) — DVORTAC TGO (TANGO) Aichtal, BW, Deutschland Doppler VOR (D VOR) Bodenstation in Verbindung mit einem DME …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Radial basis function — A radial basis function (RBF) is a real valued function whose value depends only on the distance from the origin, so that phi(mathbf{x}) = phi(||mathbf{x}||); or alternatively on the distance from some other point c , called a center , so that… …   Wikipedia

  • Radial distribution function — In computational mechanics and statistical mechanics, a radial distribution function (RDF), g ( r ), describes how the density of surrounding matter varies as a function of the distance from a distinguished point.Suppose, for example, that we… …   Wikipedia

  • Radial basis function network — A radial basis function network is an artificial neural network that uses radial basis functions as activation functions. They are used in function approximation, time series prediction, and control.Network architectureRadial basis function (RBF) …   Wikipedia

  • Radial composite deviation — Tooth to tooth radial composite deviation (double flank) is the greatest change in center distance while the gear being tested is rotated through any angle of 360 degree/z during double flank composite action test.Tooth to tooth radial composite… …   Wikipedia

  • Radial arm saw — A radial arm saw is a cutting machine consisting of a circular saw mounted on a sliding horizontal arm. Invented in 1923, the radial arm saw was the primary tool used for cutting long pieces of stock to length until the introduction of the miter… …   Wikipedia

  • RAdial Velocity Experiment — Das RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) ist eine spektroskopische Durchmusterung des Südhimmels. Dazu wird ein Multi Objekt Spektrograf am 1,2 Meter UK Schmidt Teleskop des Anglo Australian Observatory (Australien) benutzt. RAVE ist ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • radial error — As it pertains to armament delivery, it is the distance between the desired point of impact of the munition and the actual point of impact. Both are projected and measured on an imaginary plane perpendicular to the munition flight path …   Aviation dictionary

  • Cosmic distance ladder — * Light green boxes: Technique applicable to star forming galaxies. * Light blue boxes: Technique applicable to Population II galaxies. * Light Purple boxes: Geometric distance technique. * Light Red box: The planetary nebula luminosity function… …   Wikipedia

  • Extragalactic distance scale — The extragalactic distance scale is a series of techniques used today by astronomers to determine the distance of cosmological bodies (beyond our own galaxy) not easily obtained with traditional methods. Some procedures utilize properties of… …   Wikipedia

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