radar range

radar range
дальность действия РЛС

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "radar range" в других словарях:

  • radar range — range in which a radar receiver is effective …   English contemporary dictionary

  • radar range — The maximum distance at which a radar set can detect a specified object at least 50% of the time …   Aviation dictionary

  • radar-range position line — The circular position lines that obtain the range data of the ground beacon in an aircraft by equipment employing the transmitter or responder techniques, such as TACAN (tactical air navigation), Rebecca, or Eureka …   Aviation dictionary

  • Radar navigation — Marine radar systems can provide very useful navigation information in a variety of situations. When the vessel is within radar range of land or special radar aids to navigation, the navigator can take distances and angular bearings to charted… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar MASINT — is one of the subdisciplines of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) and refers to intelligence gathering activities that bring together disparate elements that do not fit within the definitions of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT),… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar cross section — (RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is with a radar. For example a stealth aircraft (which is designed to be undetectable) will have design features that give it a low RCS, as opposed to a passenger airliner that will have a high… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar jamming and deception — is the intentional emission of radio frequency signals to interfere with the operation of a radar by saturating its receiver with noise or false information. There are two types of radar jamming: Mechanical and Electronic jamming . Mechanical… …   Wikipedia

  • Range imaging — is the name for a collection of techniques which are used to produce a 2D image showing the distance to points in a scene from a specific point, normally associated with some type of sensor device.The resulting image, the range image , has pixel… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar de apertura sintética — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Imagen de la superficie de Venus cartografiada por el SAR de la sonda Magallanes Un Radar de Apertura Sintética (acrónimo SAR, del inglés Synthetic Aperture Radar) es un tipo de sistema radar. C …   Wikipedia Español

  • Radar astronomy — is a technique of observing nearby astronomical objects by reflecting microwaves off target objects and analyzing the echoes. This research has been conducted for four decades. Radar astronomy differs from radio astronomy in that the latter is a… …   Wikipedia

  • radar beacon — ☆ radar beacon n. a beacon with its transmitter and other components that emits radar waves for reception and display, indicating its range or bearing, or both, from a receiving set: it is usually a transponder that returns coded signals only… …   English World dictionary

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