rack bar
Смотреть что такое "rack bar" в других словарях:
rack bar — noun Etymology: rack (III) 1. : rack III 8a 2. : a stick of wood used to bouse taut a rope binding something together … Useful english dictionary
rack-bar — … Useful english dictionary
bar — bar·a·boo; bar·ag·no·sis; bar·a·min; bar; bar·a·thea; bar·a·thrum; bar·ba; bar·ba·coa; bar·ba·dos; bar·ba·ra s; bar·ba·rea; bar·bar·i·an·ism; bar·bar·i·an·ism; bar·bar·ic; bar·bar·ic; bar·bar·i·cal·ly; bar·bar·i·cal·ly; bar·bar·i·ous;… … English syllables
rack — ar·rack; bar·rack·er; car·rack; coat·rack; cur·rack; pot·rack; rack·a·bones; rack·an; rack; rack·er; rack·et·ry; rack·ett; rack·ety; rack·ful; rack·ing; rack·ing·ly; rack·less; rack·man; rick·rack; shab·rack; tam·a·rack; whit·rack; bar·rack;… … English syllables
rack — n 1. frame, framing, framework, trestle, arbot, scaffolding, structure; stretcher, form, Both Textiles. drawing frame, perch; hanger, clothes or hat tree or rack, bar, pole, dowel; stand, trivet, grate, grating, holder; crib, cradle, bed, Naut.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Rack railway — track using the Lamella system rack … Wikipedia
rack — rack1 [rak] n. [ME racke < LowG rack < IE * rek , to project, bar > ROCK2] 1. a framework, grating, case, stand, etc. for holding or displaying various things [clothes rack, dish rack, pipe rack, bomb rack]: often used in combination:… … English World dictionary
rack — Ⅰ. rack [1] ► NOUN 1) a framework for holding or storing things. 2) a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion, or using pegs to adjust the position of something. 3) (the rack) historical an instrument of torture consisting… … English terms dictionary
Rack — Rack, n. [Probably fr. D. rek, rekbank, a rack, rekken to stretch; akin to G. reck, reckbank, a rack, recken to stretch, Dan. r[ae]kke, Sw. r[ a]cka, Icel. rekja to spread out, Goth. refrakjan to stretch out; cf. L. porrigere, Gr. ore gein.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rack block — Rack Rack, n. [Probably fr. D. rek, rekbank, a rack, rekken to stretch; akin to G. reck, reckbank, a rack, recken to stretch, Dan. r[ae]kke, Sw. r[ a]cka, Icel. rekja to spread out, Goth. refrakjan to stretch out; cf. L. porrigere, Gr. ore gein.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rack block — Rack Rack, n. [Probably fr. D. rek, rekbank, a rack, rekken to stretch; akin to G. reck, reckbank, a rack, recken to stretch, Dan. r[ae]kke, Sw. r[ a]cka, Icel. rekja to spread out, Goth. refrakjan to stretch out; cf. L. porrigere, Gr. ore gein.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English