Rabblement — Rab ble*ment (r[a^]b b l*ment), n. A tumultuous crowd of low people; a rabble. Rude rablement. Spenser. [1913 Webster] And still, as he refused it, the rabblement hooted. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rabblement — [rab′əlmənt] n. Now Rare 1. a noisy disturbance, as by a rabble, or mob 2. a rabble; mob … English World dictionary
rabblement — noun Date: 1548 1. rabble 2. disturbance … New Collegiate Dictionary
rabblement — /rab euhl meuhnt/, n. a tumult; disturbance. [1535 45; RABBLE1 + MENT] * * * … Universalium
rabblement — rab·ble·ment … English syllables
rabblement — the mob. Var. Dial … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
rabblement — lmənt noun ( s) Etymology: rabble (I) + ment 1. : rabble 2. : disturbance, tumult … Useful english dictionary
Joyce, James — ▪ Irish author Introduction in full James Augustine Aloysius Joyce born Feb. 2, 1882, Dublin, Ire. died Jan. 13, 1941, Zürich, Switz. Irish novelist noted for his experimental use of language and exploration of new literary methods in such… … Universalium
rabble — Synonyms and related words: and bobtail, army, bourgeoisie, canaille, cluster, cohue, common ruck, commonalty, commoners, crowd, crush, deluge, dregs, dregs of society, flock, flood, galaxy, gang, heap, hoi polloi, horde, host, jam, legion, lower … Moby Thesaurus
rout — Synonyms and related words: a mass of, a world of, agitation, and bobtail, annihilate, army, attendance, attendant, bafflement, balk, batter, bawl, beat, beating, bellow, best, bevy, bluster, bobbery, body of retainers, boil, boiling, bring down … Moby Thesaurus
ruck — Synonyms and related words: Everyman, Public, a mass of, a world of, aggregation, and bobtail, army, assemblage, average, average man, bank, bevy, bezel, bunch, canaille, chamfer, chase, chink, cloud, cluster, clutter, cock, cocker, cockle, cohue … Moby Thesaurus