Смотреть что такое "rabbitlike" в других словарях:
rabbitlike — adjective a) Similar to a rabbit. b) Similar to that of a rabbit; as, rabbitlike ears, rabbitlike behavior, etc. Syn: rabbity, leporine … Wiktionary
rabbitlike — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: rabbit + like : resembling a rabbit or that of a rabbit rabbitlike ears … Useful english dictionary
rabbit — rabbitlike, rabbity, adj. /rab it/, n., pl. rabbits, (esp. collectively) rabbit for 1 3. 1. any of several soft furred, large eared, rodentlike burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae, allied with the hares and pikas in the order Lagomorpha,… … Universalium
rab|bit|like — «RAB iht LYK», adjective. 1. like that of a rabbit: »rabbitlike ears. 2. like a rabbit; timid or afraid. 3. Figurative. prolific: »Mankind had been rabbitlike in the unplanned breeding of itself (London Times) … Useful english dictionary
List of animals of the Edge Chronicles — This article lists the vast array of fictional animals found in the Edge Chronicles, a series of young adult books set in a fantasy world created by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell. For more information about the fictional world of the Edge,… … Wikipedia
List of characters in Watership Down — This is a list of characters in Watership Down , a 1972 novel by Richard Adams. The majority also appear in the 1978 feature film adapation, 1996 follow up collection of short stories, and 1999–2001 television adaptation.Watership Down… … Wikipedia
aardvark — /ahrd vahrk /, n. a large, nocturnal, burrowing mammal, Orycteropus afer, of central and southern Africa, feeding on ants and termites and having a long, extensile tongue, strong claws, and long ears. [1825 35; < Afrik erdvark < D aardvarken,… … Universalium
agouti — /euh gooh tee/, n., pl. agoutis, agouties. 1. any of several short haired, short eared, rabbitlike rodents of the genus Dasyprocta, of South and Central America and the West Indies, destructive to sugar cane. 2. an irregularly barred pattern of… … Universalium
cavy — /kay vee/, n., pl. cavies. any of several short tailed or tailless South American rodents of the family Caviidae, as the guinea pig, capybara, or agouti. [1790 1800; < NL Cavia name of the genus < Carib (Galibi) cabiai] * * * Any of several… … Universalium
flea — /flee/, n. 1. any of numerous small, wingless bloodsucking insects of the order Siphonaptera, parasitic upon mammals and birds and noted for their ability to leap. 2. either of two common fleas of the genus Ctenocephalides, the very small, black… … Universalium
Guadeloupe — /gwahd l oohp /, n. two islands (Basse Terre and Grande Terre) separated by a narrow channel in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies: together with five dependencies they form an overseas department of France. 334,900; 687 sq. mi. (1179 sq. km) … Universalium