
kwəuˈteɪʃən сущ.
1) а) цитирование Syn : quoting, citing б) выдержка, цитата quotation marksкавычки Syn : blurb, excerpt, extract, quote, citation
2) стоимость, цена;
расценки Syn : price, worth
3) бирж. котировка, курс цитата - a * from Shakespeare цитата из Шекспира цитирование (коммерческое) цена;
расценка - can you give me a * for building a garage? во что обойдется постройка гаража? (биржевое) котировка, курс - * of the day курс дня - closing * котировка при закрытии биржи automated ~ бирж. автоматизированная котировка bid ~ бирж. курс покупателей bond ~ курс облигаций commodity ~ бирж. товарная котировка daily ~ бирж. курс дня exchange rate ~ котировка валютного курса export ~ экспортная цена final ~ бирж. окончательная котировка free ~ свободная котировка highest ~ бирж. наивысшая котировка import ~ импортная цена market ~ биржевая котировка market ~ биржевой курс official ~ официальная котировка official ~ официальный курс over-the-counter ~ неофициальная котировка price ~ назначение цены public ~ государственный курс quotation котировка ~ бирж. котировка, курс ~ курс ~ оферта ~ предложение, оферта ~ предложение ~ расценка, цена, биржевая цена ~ расценка ~ цена ~ цитата ~ цитирование ~ after trading котировка после заключения сделки ~ for futures бирж. котировка на срок ~ in foreign currency котировка в иностранной валюте share ~ котировка акций standard market ~ стандартная биржевая котировка stock-exchange ~ биржевая котировка stock-exchange ~ биржевой курс unofficial ~ неофициальная котировка unofficial ~ неофициальный курс

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Нужна курсовая?


Смотреть что такое "quotation" в других словарях:

  • quotation — index attribution, bid, charge (cost), citation (attribution), cost (price), estimate (approximate cos …   Law dictionary

  • Quotation — Quo*ta tion (kw[ o]*t[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [From {Quote}.] 1. The act of quoting or citing. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is quoted or cited; a part of a book or writing named, repeated, or adduced as evidence or illustration. Locke. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quotation — (n.) mid 15c., numbering, later (1530s) marginal notation, from M.L. quotationem (nom. quotatio), from quotare to number (see QUOTE (Cf. quote)). Meaning passage quoted is from 1680s. Quotation marks attested by 1777 …   Etymology dictionary

  • quotation — / quote [n1] repetition of something spoken or written by someone citation, citing, cutting, excerpt, extract, passage, quote, recitation, reference, saying, selection; concepts 274,278 quotation / quote [n2] financial estimate bid, bid price,… …   New thesaurus

  • quotation — ► NOUN 1) a passage or remark repeated by someone other than the originator. 2) the action of quoting. 3) a short musical passage or visual image taken from one piece of music or work of art and used in another. 4) a formal statement of the… …   English terms dictionary

  • quotation — [kwō tā′shən] n. [ML quotatio] 1. the act or practice of quoting 2. the words or passage quoted 3. Commerce a) the current quoted price of a stock, bond, commodity, etc. b) a document containing such a price or prices, usually an offer to sell… …   English World dictionary

  • Quotation — This article is about quoting text. For information about the punctuation mark, see Quotation mark. For the non English usage, see Quotation mark, non English usage. For market data relating to a security or commodity, see Financial quote. For… …   Wikipedia

  • Quotation — The bid and offered prices a dealer is willing to buy or sell at. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * quotation quo‧ta‧tion [kwəʊˈteɪʆn ǁ kwoʊ ] noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE a written statement of how much something will cost, for… …   Financial and business terms

  • quotation — Often referred to as a quote. The actual, bid, or asked price of futures, options, or cash commodities at a certain time. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary Highest bid and lowest offer (asked ) price currently available on a security or a… …   Financial and business terms

  • quotation — noun 1 words taken from a book, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ famous, memorable ▪ direct, verbatim ▪ a direct quotation from a recent speech by the president ▪ illustrative …   Collocations dictionary

  • quotation */ — UK [kwəʊˈteɪʃ(ə)n] / US [kwoʊˈteɪʃ(ə)n] noun [countable] Word forms quotation : singular quotation plural quotations 1) words from a book, play, film etc that you mention when you are speaking or writing quotation from: a famous quotation from… …   English dictionary

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