Смотреть что такое "quodlibetical" в других словарях:
Quodlibetical — Quod li*bet ic*al (kw[o^]d l[i^]*b[e^]t [i^]*kal), a. Not restricted to a particular subject; discussed for curiosity or entertainment. {Quod li*bet ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quodlibetical — quod·li·bet·i·cal … English syllables
quodlibetical — adjective see quodlibetic … Useful english dictionary
Quodlibetically — Quodlibetical Quod li*bet ic*al (kw[o^]d l[i^]*b[e^]t [i^]*kal), a. Not restricted to a particular subject; discussed for curiosity or entertainment. {Quod li*bet ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fiat justitia ruat caelum — is a Latin legal phrase, translating to Let justice be done, though the heavens fall. The maxim signifies the belief that justice must be realized regardless of consequences. According to the 19th century abolitionist politician Charles Sumner,… … Wikipedia
quodlibet — quodlibetic, quodlibetical, adj. quodlibeticlly, adv. /kwod leuh bet /, n. 1. a subtle or elaborate argument or point of debate, usually on a theological or scholastic subject. 2. Music. a humorous composition consisting of two or more… … Universalium
quodlibet — /ˈkwɒdlɪbɛt/ (say kwodlibet) noun 1. a sophisticated or complex problem or point of argument, especially one which arises in the study of philosophy or theology. 2. a thesis or debate devoted to a problem of this type. 3. Music a composition,… …
quodlibet — n. 1 hist. a a topic for philosophical or theological discussion. b an exercise on this. 2 a light hearted medley of well known tunes. Derivatives: quodlibetarian n. quodlibetical adj. quodlibetically adv. Etymology: ME f. L f. quod what + libet… … Useful english dictionary
quod´li|bet´i|cal|ly — quod|li|bet|i|cal «KWOD lih BEHT uh kuhl», adjective. of, having to do with, or like a quodlibet or quodlibets: »I must say that my question was disputatious as well as quodlibetical (Harper s). –quod´li|bet´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
quod|li|bet|i|cal — «KWOD lih BEHT uh kuhl», adjective. of, having to do with, or like a quodlibet or quodlibets: »I must say that my question was disputatious as well as quodlibetical (Harper s). –quod´li|bet´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary