- quixotism
- ˈkwɪksətɪzm сущ. донкихотство Syn : quixotry , quixotry n донкихотство quixotism, quixotry донкихотство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Quixotism — is the description of a person or an act that is caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals. It also serves to describe an idealism without regard to practicality. An impulsive person or act can be regarded as… … Wikipedia
Quixotism — Quix ot*ism (kw[i^]ks [o^]t*[i^]z m), n. That form of delusion which leads to extravagant and absurd undertakings or sacrifices in obedience to a morbidly romantic ideal of duty or honor, as illustrated by the exploits of Don Quixote in knight… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quixotism — [kwiks′ətrēkwik′sə tiz΄əm] n. 1. quixotic character or practice 2. a quixotic act or idea: Also quixotry [kwiks′ətrē] … English World dictionary
quixotism — quixotic ► ADJECTIVE ▪ impractically idealistic or fanciful. DERIVATIVES quixotically adverb quixotism noun. ORIGIN from the name of Don Quixote, hero of Cervantes romance (1605 15) … English terms dictionary
quixotism — noun see quixote … New Collegiate Dictionary
quixotism — /kwik seuh tiz euhm/, n. 1. (sometimes cap.) quixotic character or practice. 2. a quixotic idea or act. [1660 70; (DON) QUIXOTE + ISM] * * * … Universalium
quixotism — noun /ˈkwɪksəˌtɪzm/ a) That form of delusion which leads to extravagant and absurd undertakings or sacrifices in obedience to a morbidly romantic ideal of duty or honor, as illustrated by the exploits of Don Quixote in knight errantry. b)… … Wiktionary
quixotism — quix·ot·ism || kwɪksÉ™tɪzm n. instance of quixotic behavior, act of ideological chivalry or romance … English contemporary dictionary
quixotism — n 1. impracticability, unrealisticness, fancifulness, romanticism; imagination, invention, whimsy; futility, uselessness, ineffectiveness; knight errantry, chivalrousness, gallantry, courage, valor; fool hardiness, impulsiveness, rashness,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
quixotism — quix·o·tism … English syllables
quixotism — /ˈkwɪksətɪzəm/ (say kwiksuhtizuhm) noun 1. (sometimes upper case) quixotic character or practice. 2. a quixotic idea or act …