quitclaim deed

quitclaim deed
акт отказа от права (в виде документа, скрепленного печатью)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quitclaim deed" в других словарях:

  • quitclaim deed — see deed Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. quitclaim deed n. A d …   Law dictionary

  • quitclaim deed — A deed of conveyance that conveys title no assurance the title is valid and without any warranties or covenants (SA Bankruptcy.com) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • Quitclaim deed — A quitclaim deed is a term used to describe a document by which a person (the grantor ) disclaims any interest the grantor may have in a piece of real property and passes that claim to another person (the grantee). A quitclaim deed neither… …   Wikipedia

  • Quitclaim Deed — A deed releasing a person s interest in a property without stating the nature of the person s interest or rights, and with no warranties of ownership. While a quitclaim deed neither warrants nor professes that the grantor s claim is valid, it… …   Investment dictionary

  • quitclaim deed — noun document transferring title or right or claim to another • Syn: ↑quitclaim • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑conveyance * * * Law. a deed that conveys to the grantee only such interests in property as the grantor may have, the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • quitclaim deed — Law. a deed that conveys to the grantee only such interests in property as the grantor may have, the grantee assuming responsibility for any claims brought against the property. Cf. warranty deed. [1750 60] * * * …   Universalium

  • quitclaim deed — noun Date: 1755 a legal instrument used to release one person s right, title, or interest to another without providing a guarantee or warranty of title …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • deed — 1 n 1: something done: act (1) my free act and deed 2: a written instrument by which a person transfers ownership of real property to another see also deliver …   Law dictionary

  • quitclaim — quit·claim / kwit ˌklām/ vt: to release a claim to; specif: to release a claim to and convey by quitclaim deed required under the divorce decree to quitclaim the property to his wife quitclaim n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • quitclaim — [kwit′klām΄] n. [ME quitclayme < Anglo Fr quiteclame < the v.] 1. the release or relinquishment of a claim, action, right, or title 2. a deed or other legal paper in which a person relinquishes to another a claim or title to some property… …   English World dictionary

  • deed in lieu of foreclosure — A means of escaping an overly burdensome mortgage. If a homeowner can t make the mortgage payments and can t find a buyer for the house, many lenders will accept ownership of the property in place of the money owed on the mortgage. Even if the… …   Law dictionary

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