Смотреть что такое "quicentennial" в других словарях:
Juan Manuel Lebrón — Juan Manuel Lebron (born April 22, 1947) is a well known Puerto Rican actor, model, scriptwriter, television producer and salsa singer.CareerJuan Manuel Lebron began his show business career as a youngster, when he became a singer at the Sexteto… … Wikipedia
QQC — QuelQue Chose (International » French) * Ques Que Ce (International » French) * Quest for Quality Computers, Inc. (Business » Firms) * Quas QuiCentennial (Community) … Abbreviations dictionary
ISTANBUL — ISTANBUL, city in N.W. turkey , on both sides of the Bosphorus at its entrance on the Sea of Marmara (for history prior to 1453, see constantinople ). Constantinople was taken from the Byzantine emperor in 1453 by the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II… … Encyclopedia of Judaism