queuing theory — ➔ theory * * * queuing theory UK US noun [U] ► COMMERCE, TRANSPORT, COMMUNICATIONS, IT the study of how people or things wait in line or wait to be served and how to deal with them in order to provide the best service … Financial and business terms
Queuing Theory — A mathematical method of analyzing the congestions and delays of waiting in line. Queuing theory examines every component of waiting in line to be served, including the arrival process, service process, number of servers, number of system places… … Investment dictionary
queuing theory — a theory that deals with providing a service on a waiting line, or queue, esp. when the demand for it is irregular and describable by probability distributions, as processing phone calls arriving at a telephone exchange or collecting highway… … Universalium
Queuing delay — In telecommunication, the term queuing delay has the following meanings: # In a switched network, the time between the completion of signaling by the call originator and the arrival of a ringing signal at the call receiver. Queues may be caused… … Wikipedia
queuing theory — eilių teorija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. queuing theory vok. Bedienungstheorie, f; Warteschlangentheorie, f rus. теория очередей, f pranc. théorie des files d attente, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
queuing — kjuË n. line, file (British); row; braid, plait v. stand in line; make a row, form a line (British) … English contemporary dictionary
queuing — The act of holding incoming calls until an attendant, trunk, trunk group or desired station is available. Also called camping … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
queuing — [1] Programs waiting, in order determined by their priority, for access to the central processor in a time sharing system. [2] The situation that arises in a digital network or other system when data arrives at a device faster than the device can … Dictionary of automotive terms
queuing — queuˈing or queueˈing noun • • • Main Entry: ↑queue … Useful english dictionary
queuing theory — theory that deals with studying the formation of lines and shortening and guiding them … English contemporary dictionary
queuing theory — An approach to simulating the way that work arrives in a system (e. g. the rate at which components queue to be processed by a machine) or customers require service, enabling the most effective process for handling these inputs to be designed and … Big dictionary of business and management