
организация [формирование] очередей queueing of instructions queueing of interrups memory queueing message queueing ordered seek queueing task queueing transaction queueing Формирование queueing вчт. образование очереди ~ вчт. организация очереди

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "queueing" в других словарях:

  • Queueing theory — is the mathematical study of waiting lines (or s ). The theory enables mathematical analysis of several related processes, including arriving at the (back of the) queue, waiting in the queue (essentially a storage process), and being served by… …   Wikipedia

  • Queueing model — In queueing theory, a queueing model is used to approximate a real queueing situation or system, so the queueing behaviour can be analysed mathematically. Queueing models allow a number of useful steady state performance measures to be determined …   Wikipedia

  • Queueing delay — In computer engineering, a queueing delay is the time a job waits in a queue until it can be executed. This term is most often used in reference to routers. When packets arrive at a router, they have to be processed and transmitted. A router can… …   Wikipedia

  • queueing — n. act of arranging into a line; act of waiting in line; creation of a list of tasks for a computer or peripheral device (Computers) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • queueing — queuˈing or queueˈing noun • • • Main Entry: ↑queue …   Useful english dictionary

  • queueing theory — noun The study of the behaviour of queues, and of stochastic processes modelled on them …   Wiktionary

  • Class based queueing — (class based queueing, CBQ) is a network router queueing method that allows traffic to share bandwidth equally, after being grouped by classes. The classes can be based upon a variety of parameters, such as priority, interface, or originating… …   Wikipedia

  • Class-based queueing — (CBQ) is a network router queueing method that allows traffic to share bandwidth equally, after being grouped by classes. The classes can be based upon a variety of parameters, such as priority, interface, or originating program. CBQ is a traffic …   Wikipedia

  • Jackson's theorem (queueing theory) — Jackson s theorem is the first significant development in the theory of networks of queues. It assumes an open queueing network of single server queues with the following characteristics:* M = # of queues in the system, not counting queue 0 which …   Wikipedia

  • Message Queueing — Nachrichtenorientierte Middleware bzw. Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) bezeichnet Middleware, die auf der asynchronen oder synchronen Kommunikation, also der Übertragung von Nachrichten (Messages) beruht. Das Format für die Nachrichten ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Native command queueing — El término native command queueing hace referencia a una tecnología que aumenta el rendimiento en las unidades de discos duros del tipo SATA. Permite al disco duro optimizar el orden en que son ejecutadas las solicitudes de escritura/lectura. La… …   Wikipedia Español

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