queue up for
Смотреть что такое "queue up for" в других словарях:
Queue area — Queue areas are places in which people in line (first come, first served) wait for goods or services. Examples include the DMV, checking out groceries or other goods that have been collected in a self service shop, in a shop without self service … Wikipedia
Queue (hairstyle) — Chinese American man with queue in San Francisco s Chinatown Chinese name … Wikipedia
queue — queue1 S3 [kju:] n [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: tail , from Latin cauda, coda] 1.) BrE a line of people waiting to enter a building, buy something etc, or a line of vehicles waiting to move American Equivalent: linebe/stand/wait in a queue … Dictionary of contemporary English
queue — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun (BrE) ⇨ See also ↑line ADJECTIVE ▪ endless, long ▪ growing, lengthening ▪ orderly ▪ Please form an orderly queu … Collocations dictionary
queue — [[t]kju͟ː[/t]] queues, queuing, queued (queueing can also be used as the continuous form.) 1) N COUNT: oft N for n, N of n A queue is a line of people or vehicles that are waiting for something. [mainly BRIT] I watched as he got a tray and joined … English dictionary
queue — 01. There was a long [queue] waiting to get tickets for the train. 02. People here are so polite; in my country, no one waits in a [queue]. Everyone pushes and shoves to get to the front of the line. 03. The [queue] for the bus was so long that… … Grammatical examples in English
Queue machine — A queue machine or queue automaton is a finite state machine with the ability to store and retrieve data from an infinite memory queue. It is a model of computation equivalent to a Turing machine, and therefore it can process any formal language … Wikipedia
queue up — verb form a queue, form a line, stand in line Customers lined up in front of the store • Syn: ↑line up, ↑queue • Derivationally related forms: ↑queue (for: ↑queue), ↑lineup … Useful english dictionary
queue up — v. (esp. BE) (D; intr.) to queue up for (they had to queue up for fresh fruit) * * * (esp. BE) (D;intr.) to queue upfor (they had to queue up for fresh fruit) … Combinatory dictionary
Queue — can mean: * Queue area, where a line of people wait. The verb queue means to form a line, and to wait for services. Queue is also the name of this line * Queueing theory, the study of waiting lines * Queue (data structure), in computing, a type… … Wikipedia
Queue (data structure) — A queue (pronounced /kjuː/) is a particular kind of collection in which the entities in the collection are kept in order and the principal (or only) operations on the collection are the addition of entities to the rear terminal position and… … Wikipedia