- question-mark
- ˈkwestʃənmɑ:k сущ. знак вопроса, вопросительный знак вопросительный знак question-mark знак вопроса, вопросительный знак
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
question mark — ˈquestion mark noun [countable] a question mark over if there is a question mark over something, there is a possibility that it will not be successful or will not continue to exist: • There is a big question mark over the bank s long term future … Financial and business terms
question mark — 1. The principal use of the question mark (?) is to indicate a direct question: Are they leaving tomorrow? / What time is it? It is also used when the question is put in the form of a statement: They told you that? / Surely it s the same one? / I … Modern English usage
question mark — n 1.) the mark (?) that is used at the end of a question 2.) there is a question mark over sth/a question mark hangs over sth used to say that there is a possibility that something will not be successful or will not continue to exist ▪ A big… … Dictionary of contemporary English
question mark — question marks 1) N COUNT A question mark is the punctuation mark ? which is used in writing at the end of a question. 2) N COUNT: oft N over n If there is doubt or uncertainty about something, you can say that there is a question mark over it.… … English dictionary
question mark — question ,mark noun count * the symbol ? that is used at the end of a sentence to show that it represents a question. It is a type of punctuation mark. a question mark over something a doubt about whether something is good or correct, or whether… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
question mark — n. 1. a mark of punctuation (?) put after a sentence, word, etc. to indicate a direct question, and also used to express doubt, uncertainty, etc.; interrogation mark ☆ 2. an unknown factor … English World dictionary
question mark — ► NOUN ▪ a punctuation mark (?) indicating a question … English terms dictionary
Question Mark — [engl.], Fragezeichen … Universal-Lexikon
Question mark — ? redirects here. For other uses, see Question mark (disambiguation). For the backwards or mirrored question mark used to indicate irony or sarcasm, see percontation point. For Wikipedia s help pages, see Help:Contents ? Question mark … Wikipedia
question mark — has become an overworked embellishment of the expression a question hanging over, which is itself wearyingly overused. Consider: The case... has raised a question mark over the competence of British security (The Times). Would you say of a happy … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
question mark — has become an overworked embellishment of the expression a question hanging over, which is itself weary ingly overused. Consider: The case . . . has raised a question mark over the competence of British security (Times). Would you say of a… … Dictionary of troublesome word