Смотреть что такое "quasi-uniform" в других словарях:
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in finance — High dimensional integrals in hundreds or thousands of variables occur commonly in finance. These integrals have to be computed numerically to within a threshold epsilon. If the integral is of dimension d then in the worst case, where one has a… … Wikipedia
Quasi-contract — A quasi contract, also called an implied in law contract,E. Marshall Wick, Notes for BUS 447, Gallaudet University, found at [http://homepage.gallaudet.edu/Marshall.Wick/bus447/quasi.html Gallaudet University Website] . Accessed June 30, 2008.]… … Wikipedia
Uniform polyhedron — A uniform polyhedron is a polyhedron which has regular polygons as faces and is transitive on its vertices (i.e. there is an isometry mapping any vertex onto any other). It follows that all vertices are congruent, and the polyhedron has a high… … Wikipedia
Quasi-Monte Carlo method — In numerical analysis, a quasi Monte Carlo method is a method for the computation of an integral (or some other problem) that is based on low discrepancy sequences. This is in contrast to a regular Monte Carlo method, which is based on sequences… … Wikipedia
Uniform theory of diffraction — In numerical analysis, uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) is a high frequency method for solving electromagnetic scattering problems from electrically small discontinuities or discontinuities in more than one dimension at the same… … Wikipedia
List of uniform polyhedra by vertex figure — There are many relations among the uniform polyhedron.Some are obtained by truncating the vertices of the regular or quasi regular polyhedron.Others share the same vertices and edges as other polyhedron.The grouping below exhibit some of these… … Wikipedia
Polyedre quasi-regulier — Polyèdre quasi régulier Sommaire 1 Définition 2 Les polyèdres quasi réguliers convexes 3 Exemples non convexes 4 Duaux quasi réguliers … Wikipédia en Français
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices — Cover of 2009 edition The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is a document issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to specify the standards by which traffic… … Wikipedia
Polyèdre quasi-régulier — Sommaire 1 Définition 2 Les polyèdres quasi réguliers convexes 3 Exemples non convexes 4 Duaux quasi réguliers … Wikipédia en Français
List of uniform polyhedra by Wythoff symbol — There are many relations among the uniform polyhedron.Here they are grouped by the Wythoff symbol.KeyQuasi regularEach edge is identical and each vertex is identical. There are two types of faceswhich appear in an alternating fashion around each… … Wikipedia
Optical lift — is an optical analogue of aerodynamic lift, in which a cambered refractive object with differently shaped top and bottom surfaces experiences a stable transverse lift force when placed in a uniform stream of light.[1] Contents 1 Discovery 2… … Wikipedia