Смотреть что такое "quasi-random" в других словарях:
quasi-random sampling — beveik atsitiktinė atranka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. quasi random sampling vok. bedingte Zufallsauswahl, f rus. квазислучайный выбор, m; псевдослучайный выбор, m pranc. échantillonnage quasi probabiliste, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in finance — High dimensional integrals in hundreds or thousands of variables occur commonly in finance. These integrals have to be computed numerically to within a threshold epsilon. If the integral is of dimension d then in the worst case, where one has a… … Wikipedia
Quasi-Monte Carlo method — In numerical analysis, a quasi Monte Carlo method is a method for the computation of an integral (or some other problem) that is based on low discrepancy sequences. This is in contrast to a regular Monte Carlo method, which is based on sequences… … Wikipedia
Quasi-experimental design — A quasi experiment is a scientific research method primarily used in the social sciences. “Quasi” means likeness or resembling, so therefore quasi experiments share characteristics of true experiments which seek interventions or treatments. The… … Wikipedia
Random access machine — In computer science, random access machine (RAM) is an abstract machine in the general class of register machines. The RAM is very similar to the counter machine but with the added capability of indirect addressing of its registers. Like the… … Wikipedia
Random-Walk-Theorie — Der Begriff Random Walk bzw. Symmetrische Irrfahrt ist eine unmittelbare Folgerung der Markteffizienz Theorie. Die Random Walk Theorie bzw. Theorie der symmetrischen Irrfahrt beschreibt den zeitlichen Verlauf von Marktpreisen (insbesondere von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quasi-perfect equilibrium — Infobox equilibrium name=Quasi perfect Equilibrium subsetof=Sequential equilibrium, normal form trembling hand perfect equilibrium discoverer=Eric van Damme usedfor=Extensive form games example = Mertens voting gameQuasi perfect equilibrium is a… … Wikipedia
Quasi-likelihood — In statistics, quasi likelihood estimation is one way of allowing for overdispersion, that is, greater variability in the data than would be expected from the statistical model used. It is most often used with models for count data or grouped… … Wikipedia
Random Access Machine — Théorie de la complexité des algorithmes La théorie de la complexité des algorithmes étudie formellement la difficulté intrinsèque des problèmes algorithmiques. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Généralités 2.1 Présentation … Wikipédia en Français
Random Access Memory — Mémoire vive Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mémoire vive (homonymie). Mémoire RAM … Wikipédia en Français
Quasi-periodic oscillations — In high energy (X ray) astronomy, quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) refer to the way the X ray light from an astronomical object flickers about certain frequencies. In these situations, the X rays are emitted near the inner edge of an accretion… … Wikipedia