Смотреть что такое "quasi-period" в других словарях:
quasi corporation — n. a business which has operated as a corporation without completing the legal requirements, often in the period just before formal incorporation. See also: corporation, de facto corporation, quasi Law dictionary … Law dictionary
quasi-corporation — A business that operates as a corporation but has not completed the legal requirements, often in the period just before formal incorporation. Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations → LLCs, Corporations, Partnerships, etc. Nolo’s Plain English… … Law dictionary
Quasi-polynomial — In mathematics, a quasi polynomial (pseudo polynomial) is a generalization of polynomials. While the coefficients of a polynomial come from a ring, the coefficients of quasi polynomials are instead periodic functions with integral period. Quasi… … Wikipedia
Quasi-biennial oscillation — The QBO (quasi biennial oscillation) is a quasi periodic oscillation of the equatorial zonal wind between easterlies and westerlies in the tropical stratosphere with a mean period of 28 to 29 months. The alternating wind regimes develop at the… … Wikipedia
First Stadtholderless Period — The First Stadtholderless Period or Era (1650 1672) (Dutch Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk ) is the period in the history of the Dutch Republic in which it reached the zenith of its economic, military and political Golden Age. The term has… … Wikipedia
Theta function — heta 1 with u = i pi z and with nome q = e^{i pi au}= 0.1 e^{0.1 i pi}. Conventions are (mathematica): heta 1(u;q) = 2 q^{1/4} sum {n=0}^infty ( 1)^n q^{n(n+1)} sin((2n+1)u) this is: heta 1(u;q) = sum {n= infty}^{n=infty} ( 1)^{n 1/2}… … Wikipedia
Messier 87 — Virgo A The Messier 87 galaxy. Observation data Epoch J2000 Constellation Virgo Right ascension … Wikipedia
Quasiperiodic motion — In mathematics and theoretical physics, quasiperiodic motion is in rough terms the type of motion executed by a dynamical system containing a finite number (two or more) of incommensurable frequencies. That is, if we imagine that the phase space… … Wikipedia
Invariable plane — The invariable plane of a planetary system is the plane passing through its barycenter (center of mass) which is perpendicular to its angular momentum vector. In the Solar system, about 98% of this effect is contributed by the orbital angular… … Wikipedia
Hakucho — (also known as CORSA b before launch) was the Japan s first X ray astronomy satellite developed by Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science (then a division of University of Tokyo). It was launched by M 3C 4 rocket on February 21, 1979 and… … Wikipedia
Messier 87 — Datenbanklinks zu Messier 87 Galaxie Messier 87 … Deutsch Wikipedia