

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quasi-homogeneous" в других словарях:

  • Quasi-algebraically closed field — In mathematics, a field F is called quasi algebraically closed (or C1) if for every non constant homogeneous polynomial P over F has a non trivial zero provided the number of its variables is more than its degree. In other words, if P is a non… …   Wikipedia

  • Quasi-regular representation — In mathematics, quasi regular representation is a concept of representation theory, for a locally compact group G and a homogeneous space G H where H is a closed subgroup. In line with the concepts of regular representation and induced… …   Wikipedia

  • Electroacoustic phenomena — arises when ultrasound propagates through a fluid containing ions. It moves these ions. This motion generates electric signals because ions have electric charge. This coupling between ultrasound and electric field is called electroacoustic… …   Wikipedia

  • Rowbottom cardinal — In set theory, a Rowbottom cardinal (named after Frederick Rowbottom) is a certain kind of large cardinal number.An uncountable cardinal number kappa; is said to be Rowbottom if for every function f : [ kappa;] …   Wikipedia

  • Krypton — infobox kryptonKrypton (pronEng|ˈkrɪptən or IPA|/ˈkrɪptɒn/; from el. kryptos hidden ) is a chemical element with the symbol Kr and atomic number 36. It is a member of Group 18 and Period 4. A colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, krypton… …   Wikipedia

  • квазиоднородная среда — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN quasi homogeneous medium …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… …   Universalium

  • System of imprimitivity — The concept of system of imprimitivity is used in mathematics, particularly in algebra and analysis, both within the context of the theory of group representations. It was used by George Mackey as the basis for his theory of induced unitary… …   Wikipedia

  • Proj construction — In algebraic geometry, Proj is a construction analogous to the spectrum of a ring construction of affine schemes, which produces objects with the typical properties of projective spaces and projective varieties. It is a fundamental tool in scheme …   Wikipedia

  • General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources …   Wikipedia

  • BKL singularity — A BKL (Belinsky Khalatnikov Lifshitz) singularityHarvnb|Belinsky|Khalatnikov|Lifshitz|1970] is a model of the dynamic evolution of the Universe near the initial singularity, described by a non symmetric, chaotic, vacuum solution to Einstein s… …   Wikipedia

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