quartic residue
Смотреть что такое "quartic residue" в других словарях:
Quadratic residue — In number theory, an integer q is called a quadratic residue modulo n if it is congruent to a perfect square modulo n; i.e., if there exists an integer x such that: Otherwise, q is called a quadratic nonresidue modulo n. Originally an abstract… … Wikipedia
Legendre symbol — The Legendre symbol or quadratic character is a function introduced by Adrien Marie Legendre in 1798 [A. M. Legendre Essai sur la theorie des nombres Paris 1798, p 186] during his partly successful attempt to prove the law of quadratic… … Wikipedia
Quadratic reciprocity — The law of quadratic reciprocity is a theorem from modular arithmetic, a branch of number theory, which shows a remarkable relationship between the solvability of certain quadratic equations modulo different prime moduli.Although it allows us to… … Wikipedia
Cubic reciprocity — is a collection of theorems in elementary and algebraic number theory that state conditions under which the congruence x3 ≡ p (mod q) is solvable; the word reciprocity comes from the form of the main theorem, which states that … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (Q) — NOTOC Q Q analog Q analysis Q derivative Q difference polynomial Q exponential Q factor Q Pochhammer symbol Q Q plot Q statistic Q systems Q test Q theta function Q Vandermonde identity Q.E.D. QED project QR algorithm QR decomposition Quadratic… … Wikipedia
Quadratic equation — This article is about quadratic equations and solutions. For more general information about quadratic functions, see Quadratic function. For more information about quadratic polynomials, see Quadratic polynomial. In mathematics, a quadratic… … Wikipedia
Gauss's lemma (number theory) — This article is about Gauss s lemma in number theory. Gauss s lemma (polynomial) concerns factoring polynomials. Gauss s lemma in number theory gives a condition for an integer to be a quadratic residue. Although it is not useful computationally … Wikipedia
Discriminant — In algebra, the discriminant of a polynomial is an expression which gives information about the nature of the polynomial s roots. For example, the discriminant of the quadratic polynomial is Here, if Δ > 0, the polynomial has two real roots,… … Wikipedia
Emmy Noether — Amalie Emmy Noether Born 23 March 1882(1882 03 23) … Wikipedia