Смотреть что такое "quartern-loaf" в других словарях:
quartern loaf — noun A four pound loaf, made from a quarter of a stone of flour • • • Main Entry: ↑quartern * * * quartern loaf, a large, round loaf of bread weighing about four pounds … Useful english dictionary
quartern loaf — Quartern Quar tern, n. [OE. quarteroun, quartron, F. quarteron, the fourth part of a pound, or of a hundred; cf. L. quartarius a fourth part, quarter of any measure, quartern, gill. See {Quarter}, and cf. {Quarteron}, {Quadroon}.] 1. A quarter.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quartern-loaf — a traditional English unit of weight for bread. A quartern loaf is made from a quartern2 of flour. The finished loaf usually weighs somewhere between 4 and 5 pounds (very roughly 2 kilograms) … Dictionary of units of measurement
quartern loaf — noun archaic a four pound loaf … English new terms dictionary
Quartern — Quar tern, n. [OE. quarteroun, quartron, F. quarteron, the fourth part of a pound, or of a hundred; cf. L. quartarius a fourth part, quarter of any measure, quartern, gill. See {Quarter}, and cf. {Quarteron}, {Quadroon}.] 1. A quarter.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quartern — n. Brit. archaic a quarter of a pint. Phrases and idioms: quartern loaf a four pound loaf. Etymology: ME, = quarter f. AF quartrun, OF quart(e)ron f. QUART fourth or quartier QUARTER … Useful english dictionary
quartern — 1. an old English word for a quarter of anything, quartern has been used to represent 1/4 of various units. In the U.S., the term seems to have been used mostly as an alternate name for the gill, which is equal to 1/4 pint or about 118.3… … Dictionary of units of measurement
Biddenden Maids — An 1869 drawing of the Biddenden Maids Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst (or Chalkhurst), commonly known as the Biddenden Maids, were a pair of conjoined twins supposedly born in Biddenden, Kent, in the year 1100. They are said to have been joined at… … Wikipedia
quar|tern — «KWAWR tuhrn», noun. 1. British. a) a quarter; fourth part. b) one fourth of a pint; gill. c) one fourth of a peck or of a stone. d) a quarter of a pound. 2. = quartern loaf. (Cf. ↑quartern loaf) ╂[Middle English quartron < Old French… … Useful english dictionary
Committee for the Relief of the Black Poor — The Committee for the Relief of the Black Poor was a charitable organization founded in London in 1786 to provide sustenance for distressed people of African and Asian origin. It became a crucial organization in the subsequent proposal to form a… … Wikipedia
Affaire Elizabeth Canning — Portrait monochrome d Elizabeth Canning en robe vers 1820. Elizabeth Canning, née le 17 septembre 1734 et décédée en juin 1773, est une servante anglaise, qui fut au centre d une affaire judiciaire qui compte parmi les plus célèbres débats… … Wikipédia en Français