Смотреть что такое "quarterfinal" в других словарях:
quarterfinal — [kwôrt′ər fīn΄əl] adj. Sports designating or of the round of matches immediately preceding the semifinals in a tournament n. a quarterfinal match quarterfinalist n … English World dictionary
quarterfinal — I. noun Date: 1927 1. plural a quarterfinal round 2. a quarterfinal match • quarterfinalist noun II. adjective Date: circa 1934 1. immediately preceding the semifinal in an elimination tournament … New Collegiate Dictionary
quarterfinal — /kwawr teuhr fuyn l/, Sports. adj. 1. of or pertaining to the contest or round preceding the semifinal one. n. 2. a quarterfinal contest or round. [1925 30; QUARTER + FINAL] * * * … Universalium
quarterfinal — 1. noun One of the four competitions in a knockout tournament whose winners go on to play in the two semifinals. 2. adjective Of, or relating to a quarterfinal round or match … Wiktionary
quarterfinal — n. third to last round in a competition adj. of the quarterfinal round, pertaining to the third to last round in a competition … English contemporary dictionary
quarterfinal — quar•ter•fi•nal [[t]ˌkwɔr tərˈfaɪn l[/t]] adj. 1) spo of or pertaining to the contest or round preceding the semifinal one in a tournament 2) spo a quarterfinal contest or round • Etymology: 1925–30 quar ter•fi′nal•ist, n … From formal English to slang
quarterfinal — ketvirtfinalis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Varžybų etapas, kuriame rungtyniauja 8 komandos arba 8 žaidėjai. atitikmenys: angl. quarterfinal vok. Viertelfinale, n rus. четвертьфинал … Sporto terminų žodynas
quarterfinal — ketvirtfinalis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Varžybų etapas, kurio nugalėtojai arba nuostatų nurodytas prizininkų skaičius patenka į priešpaskutinį varžybų etapą – pusfinalį. atitikmenys: angl. quarterfinal vok.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
quarterfinal — quar|ter|fi|nal [ ,kwɔrtər faınl ] noun count one of four games played between the eight players or teams still left in a competition. The winners of the quarterfinals play one another in the semifinals … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
quarterfinal — noun (C) one of the set of four games near the end of a competition, whose winners play in the two semifinals … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
quarterfinal — /kwɔtəˈfaɪnəl/ (say kwawtuh fuynuhl) Sport –adjective 1. of or relating to the contests preceding the semifinals in a tournament. –noun 2. such a contest. –quarterfinalist, noun …