quantum law

quantum law
квантовый закон

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quantum law" в других словарях:

  • quantum meruit — quan·tum me·ru·it / kwän təm mer u̇ it, yu̇ / n [Latin, as much as he/she deserved] 1: a claim or count grounded on an implied contract that the defendant would pay the plaintiff as much as deserved for services or materials provided; specif: a… …   Law dictionary

  • quantum valebant — quantum va·le·bant / və lē ˌbant, vä lā ˌbänt/ n [Latin, as much as they were worth] 1: a count in a common law action of assumpsit to recover the value of goods or materials furnished 2: a theory or doctrine that permits recovery for materials… …   Law dictionary

  • quantum — index bulk, proportion, quantity, quota Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • quantum lucratus — insofar as made richer , associated with recompense. See quantum meruit. See also restitution. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 …   Law dictionary

  • quantum sufficit — A sufficient quantity. Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations …   Law dictionary

  • Quantum meruit — is a Latin phrase meaning as much as he has deserved . This claim is also referred to as unjust enrichment. In the context of contract law, it means something along the lines of reasonable value of services . In the United States, the elements of …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum superposition — is the fundamental law of quantum mechanics. It defines the allowed state space of a quantum mechanical system.In Probability theory, every possible event has a positive number associated to it, the probability, which gives the chance that it… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum gravity — is the field of theoretical physics attempting to unify quantum mechanics, which describes three of the fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetism, weak interaction, and strong interaction), with general relativity, the theory of the fourth… …   Wikipedia

  • quantum mechanics — quantum mechanical, adj. Physics. a theory of the mechanics of atoms, molecules, and other physical systems that are subject to the uncertainty principle. Abbr.: QM Cf. nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics. [1920 25]… …   Universalium

  • Quantum mind — theories are based on the premise that quantum mechanics is necessary to fully understand the mind and brain, particularly concerning an explanation of consciousness. This approach is considered a minority opinion in science, although it does… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum Leap (TV series) — Quantum Leap Format Procedural drama Created by Donald Bellisario …   Wikipedia

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