quantum index

quantum index
стат. индекс количества

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quantum index" в других словарях:

  • Quantum Leap (TV series) — Quantum Leap Format Procedural drama Created by Donald Bellisario …   Wikipedia

  • quantum — index bulk, proportion, quantity, quota Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Quantum cryptography — Quantum cryptography, or quantum key distribution (QKD), uses quantum mechanics to guarantee secure communication. It enables two parties to produce a shared random bit string known only to them, which can be used as a key to encrypt and decrypt… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum cascade laser — Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are semiconductor lasers that emit in the mid to far infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and were first demonstrated by Jerome Faist, Federico Capasso, Deborah Sivco, Carlo Sirtori, Albert Hutchinson,… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum reflection — is a physical phenomenon involving the reflection of a matter wave from an attractive potential. In classical physics, such a phenomenon is not possible; for instance when one magnet is pulled toward another, you do not expect one of the magnets… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum programming — is a set of computer programming languages that allow the expression of quantum algorithms using high level constructs. The point of quantum languages is not so much to provide a tool for programmers, but to provide tools for researchers to… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum mind — theories are based on the premise that quantum mechanics is necessary to fully understand the mind and brain, particularly concerning an explanation of consciousness. This approach is considered a minority opinion in science, although it does… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum chemistry — is a branch of theoretical chemistry, which applies quantum mechanics and quantum field theory to address issues and problems in chemistry. The description of the electronic behavior of atoms and molecules as pertaining to their reactivity is one …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum optics — is a field of research in physics, dealing with the application of quantum mechanics to phenomena involving light and its interactions with matter. History of quantum optics Light is made up of particles called photons and hence inherently is… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum information science — concerns information science that depends on quantum effects in physics. It includes theoretical issues in computational models as well as more experimental topics in quantum physics including what can and cannot be done with quantum information …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum of Solace (film, 2008) — Quantum of Solace Quantum of Solace Titre original Quantum of Solace Titre québécois 007 Quantum Réalisation Marc Forster Acteurs principaux Daniel Craig Mathieu Amalric Olga Kurylenko Judi Dench Scénario Paul Haggis …   Wikipédia en Français

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