
мат. квантовать (физическое) (компьютерное) квантовать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quantize" в других словарях:

  • quantize — (Amer.) quan·tize || kwÉ‘ntaɪz / kwÉ’ v. restrict a variable to a specific set of values, form into quanta (Physics); subdivide into small but measurable units; express in terms of quantum mechanics (also quantise) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • quantize — [kwän′tīz΄] vt. quantized, quantizing [< QUANTUM + IZE] 1. Math. to express in multiples of a basic unit 2. a) Physics to limit (an observable quantity) to multiples of some small, indivisible unit, as a quantum b) …   English World dictionary

  • quantize — transitive verb (quantized; quantizing) Etymology: quantum Date: 1922 1. to subdivide (as energy) into small but measurable increments 2. to calculate or express in terms of quantum mechanics • quantization noun • quantizer noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • quantize — quantization, n. /kwon tuyz/, v.t., quantized, quantizing. 1. Math., Physics. to restrict (a variable quantity) to discrete values rather than to a continuous set of values. 2. Physics. to change the description of (a physical system) from… …   Universalium

  • quantize — verb a) To limit the number of possible values of a quantity, or states of a system, by applying the rules of quantum mechanics b) To approximate a …   Wiktionary

  • quantize — quan·tize also Brit quan·tise kwänt .tīz vt, quan·tized also Brit quan·tised; quan·tiz·ing also Brit quan·tis·ing 1) to subdivide (as energy) into small but measurable increments 2) to calculate or express in terms of quantum mechanics… …   Medical dictionary

  • quantize — To convert an asset or liability into a currency other than the regular trading currency. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • quantize — or quantise verb 1》 Physics form into quanta; make subject to quantum theory. 2》 Electronics approximate (a continuously varying signal) by one whose amplitude is restricted to prescribed values. Derivatives quantization noun quantizer noun …   English new terms dictionary

  • quantize — quan·tize …   English syllables

  • quantize — quan•tize [[t]ˈkwɒn taɪz[/t]] v. t. tized, tiz•ing 1) phs math. to restrict (a variable quantity) to discrete values rather than to a continuous set of values 2) to use quantum mechanics to calculate or express (the behavior of a physical system) …   From formal English to slang

  • quantize — v.tr. (also ise) 1 form into quanta. 2 apply quantum mechanics to. Derivatives: quantization n …   Useful english dictionary

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