quantity of goods

quantity of goods
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quantity of goods" в других словарях:

  • quantity — 01. The price goes down for our goods if you buy them in large [quantity]. 02. It costs much less to make your own salsa if you make large [quantities] of it. 03. We buy a huge [quantity] of strawberries and blueberries every summer to preserve… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • quantity — [[t]kwɒ̱ntɪti[/t]] ♦♦♦ quantities 1) N VAR A quantity is an amount that you can measure or count. ...a small quantity of water. ...vast quantities of food... The bowl needs to be re frozen after each use, so it takes a long time to make a large… …   English dictionary

  • quantity purchase — / kwɒntɪti ˌpɜ:tʃɪs/ noun a large quantity of goods bought at one time ● The company offers a discount for quantity purchase …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • quantity discount — noun (commerce) A reduction in the unit price of goods when large quantities are purchased • • • Main Entry: ↑quantity …   Useful english dictionary

  • quantity — Number of units or lots of a futures contract. Sometimes also called size. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary * * * quantity quan‧ti‧ty [ˈkwɒntti ǁ ˈkwɑːn ] noun quantities PLURALFORM 1. [countable] an amount of something that can be counted… …   Financial and business terms

  • Quantity Discount — An incentive offered to a buyer that results in a decreased cost per unit of goods or materials when purchased in greater numbers. A quantity discount is often offered by sellers to entice buyers to purchase in larger quantities. The seller is… …   Investment dictionary

  • Quantity Demanded — A term used in economics to describe the total amount of goods or services that are demanded at any given point in time. The quantity demanded depends on the price of a good or service in the marketplace, regardless of whether that market is in… …   Investment dictionary

  • Quantity Supplied — A term used in economics to describe the amount of goods or services that are supplied at a given market price. Graphically, the amount of goods or services supplied lies at any point along the supply curve in a price versus quantity plane. The… …   Investment dictionary

  • quantity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, enormous, great, huge, immense, large, massive, sheer, significant, substantial, vast …   Collocations dictionary

  • goods received note — GRN A form completed by the recipient of ordered goods confirming the specification of the goods received. The form includes a description of the goods, the quantity, the commodity code, the date received, and the order number …   Accounting dictionary

  • Quantity Theory Of Money — An economic theory which proposes a positive relationship between changes in the money supply and the long term price of goods. It states that increasing the amount of money in the economy will eventually lead to an equal percentage rise in the… …   Investment dictionary

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