quantity in exponent

quantity in exponent
мат. показатель степени экспоненциальной зависимости

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quantity in exponent" в других словарях:

  • Exponent — Ex*po nent, n. [L. exponens, entis, p. pr. of exponere to put out, set forth, expose. See {Expound}.] 1. (Alg.) A number, letter, or any quantity written on the right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how many times the latter is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Exponent of a ratio — Exponent Ex*po nent, n. [L. exponens, entis, p. pr. of exponere to put out, set forth, expose. See {Expound}.] 1. (Alg.) A number, letter, or any quantity written on the right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how many times the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exponent — ► NOUN 1) a promoter of an idea or theory. 2) a person who does a particular thing skilfully. 3) Mathematics the power to which a given quantity is raised (e.g. 3 in 23 = 2 x 2 x 2). ORIGIN Latin, from exponere present, explain …   English terms dictionary

  • exponent — ex|po|nent [ıkˈspəunənt US ˈspou ] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: , present participle of exponere; EXPOSE] 1.) an exponent of an idea, belief etc tries to explain it and persuade others that it is good or useful exponent of ▪ a leading… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • exponent — noun (C) 1 someone who supports an idea, belief etc and who tries to explain it and persuade others that it is good or useful (+ of): a leading exponent of Jungian psychology 2 someone whose work or methods provide a good example of a particular… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • exponent — ex·po·nent (ek spoґnənt) a number or symbol placed above and to the right of another number or symbol indicating the number of times that that value is to be multiplied by itself; a negative exponent indicates the reciprocal of the quantity… …   Medical dictionary

  • Exponential quantity — Exponential Ex po*nen tial, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.] 1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as, an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an exponential function. [1913 Webster] 2. changing over time in an exponential… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lyapunov exponent — In mathematics the Lyapunov exponent or Lyapunov characteristic exponent of a dynamical system is a quantity that characterizes the rate of separation of infinitesimally close trajectories. Quantitatively, two trajectories in phase space with… …   Wikipedia

  • Angstrom exponent — Angström exponent is the name of the exponent in the formula that s usually used to describe the dependency of the aerosol optical thickness, or aerosol extinction coefficient on wavelength.Depending on particle size distribution, the spectral… …   Wikipedia

  • Characteristic exponent — In mathematics, the term characteristic exponent may refer to: Characteristic exponent of a field, a number equal to 1 if the field has characteristic 0, and equal to p if the field has characteristic p > 0 Lyapunov characteristic exponent, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Critical exponent — Critical exponents describe the behaviour of physical quantities near continuous phase transitions. It is believed, though not proven, that they are universal, i.e. they do not depend on the details of the physical system, but only on the… …   Wikipedia

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