Смотреть что такое "qualms" в других словарях:
qualms — [ kwamz ] noun plural thoughts that what you are doing might be bad or wrong: have no qualms about something (=not be worried about it at all): We didn t have any qualms about accepting the money … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
qualms — UK [kwɑːmz] US [kwɑmz] noun [plural] thoughts that what you are doing might be bad or wrong have no qualms about (doing) something (=not be worried about it at all): We didn’t have any qualms about accepting the money. Thesaurus: feelings of… … Useful english dictionary
qualms — index reluctance Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
qualms — (n.) see QUALM (Cf. qualm) … Etymology dictionary
qualms — n. 1)10 feel, have qualms 2) qualms about (I have no qualms about borrowing money) 3) without (any) qualms * * * have qualms to feel without (any) qualms qualms about (I have no qualms about borrowing money) … Combinatory dictionary
qualms — plural noun I have no qualms about overseas travel Syn: misgivings, doubts, reservations, second thoughts, worries, concerns, anxiety; hesitation, hesitance, hesitancy, demur, reluctance, disinclination, apprehension, trepidation, unease;… … Thesaurus of popular words
qualms — UK [kwɑːmz] / US [kwɑmz] noun [plural] thoughts that what you are doing might be bad or wrong have no qualms about (doing) something (= not be worried about it at all): We didn t have any qualms about accepting the money … English dictionary
qualms — See: HAVE (NO) QUALMS ABOUT … Dictionary of American idioms
qualms — See: HAVE (NO) QUALMS ABOUT … Dictionary of American idioms
qualms — noun Scruples; uneasiness. He had no qualms about cheating the taxman … Wiktionary
qualms — See: have qualms about … Словарь американских идиом