quality index
Смотреть что такое "quality index" в других словарях:
Life Quality Index — The Life Quality Index (LQI) is a compound social indicator of human welfare that reflects the expected length of life in good health and enhancement of the quality of life through access to income. The Life Quality Index combines two primary… … Wikipedia
Air Quality Index — The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a standardized indicator of the air quality in a given location. It measures mainly ground level ozone and particulates (except the pollen count), but may also include sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. Various… … Wikipedia
Overall Nutritional Quality Index — The Overall Nutritional Quality Index is a nutritional rating system developed at the Yale Griffin Prevention Research Center. It assigns foods a score between 0 and 100 to reflect the overall nutrition provided.[1] The system has been marketed… … Wikipedia
Quality Management Maturity Grid — (QMMG) is an organizational maturity matrix conceived by Philip B. Crosby first published in his book Quality is Free in 1979. [cite book first = Philip last = Crosby coauthors = title = Quality is Free publisher = Mc Graw Hill date = 1979… … Wikipedia
Quality — • Various definitions of quality and its forms or divisions Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Quality Quality † … Catholic encyclopedia
quality — qual·i·ty n pl ties 1: a special, distinctive, or essential character: as a: a character, position, or role assumed those acts of ownership, which the person called to the succession can only do in quality of heir Louisiana Civil Code b: the… … Law dictionary
Quality Records — is a Canadian entertainment company which released music albums in Canada on behalf of American record labels, and also released recordings by Canadian artists. The company s activity began in 1950, until its operations were curtailed in 1985.… … Wikipedia
Quality-adjusted life years — Quality adjusted life years, or QALYs, is a way of measuring disease burden, including both the quality and the quantity of life lived, as a means of quantifying in benefit of a medical intervention. The QALY model requires utility independent,… … Wikipedia
Quality bias — occurs when improvements in the quality of a product do not result in an increased price. An example would be enhanced performance of personal computers. Generally speaking, greater and greater speeds and features have become available, without… … Wikipedia
Index Investing — Index Investing, Indexing (engl.) oder Indexorientiertes Anlegen (dt.) ist eine Anlagestrategie, bei der der Anleger versucht, das Portfolio in seiner Zusammenstellung einem bestimmten, repräsentativen Index (z. B. DAX, Dow Jones Industrial… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quality-of-Service — (QoS) oder Dienstgüte beschreibt die Güte eines Kommunikationsdienstes aus der Sicht der Anwender, das heißt, wie stark die Güte des Dienstes mit deren Anforderungen übereinstimmt. Formal ist QoS eine Menge von Qualitätsanforderungen an das… … Deutsch Wikipedia