quadratic relation

quadratic relation
мат. квадратичное соотношение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quadratic relation" в других словарях:

  • Quadratic sieve — The quadratic sieve algorithm (QS) is a modern integer factorization algorithm and, in practice, the second fastest method known (after the general number field sieve). It is still the fastest for integers under 100 decimal digits or so, and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Quadratic equation — This article is about quadratic equations and solutions. For more general information about quadratic functions, see Quadratic function. For more information about quadratic polynomials, see Quadratic polynomial. In mathematics, a quadratic… …   Wikipedia

  • Quadratic irrational — In mathematics, a quadratic irrational, also known as a quadratic irrationality or quadratic surd, is an irrational number that is the solution to some quadratic equation with rational coefficients. Since fractions can be cleared from a quadratic …   Wikipedia

  • Inverse quadratic interpolation — In numerical analysis, inverse quadratic interpolation is a root finding algorithm, meaning that it is an algorithm for solving equations of the form f ( x ) = 0. The idea is to use quadratic interpolation to approximate the inverse of f . This… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary quadratic form — In mathematics, a binary quadratic form is a quadratic form in two variables. More concretely, it is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 2 in two variables where a, b, c are the coefficients. Properties of binary quadratic forms depend in an… …   Wikipedia

  • Isotropic quadratic form — In mathematics, a quadratic form over a field F is said to be isotropic if there is a non zero vector on which it evaluates to zero. Otherwise the quadratic form is anisotropic. More precisely, if q is a quadratic form on a vector space V over F …   Wikipedia

  • Ε-quadratic form — In mathematics, specifically the theory of quadratic forms, an ε quadratic form is a generalization of quadratic forms to skew symmetric settings and to * rings; epsilon = pm 1, accordingly for symmetric or skew symmetric. They are also called (… …   Wikipedia

  • Periodic points of complex quadratic mappings — This article describes periodic points of some complex quadratic map. This theory is applied in relation with the theories of Fatou and Julia sets.DefinitionsLet :f c(z)=z^2+c, where z and c are complex valued. (This f is the complex quadratic… …   Wikipedia

  • Lie sphere geometry — is a geometrical theory of planar or spatial geometry in which the fundamental concept is the circle or sphere. It was introduced by Sophus Lie in the nineteenth century. [The definitive modern textbook on Lie sphere geometry is Harvnb|Cecil|1992 …   Wikipedia

  • Hecke algebra — is the common name of several related types of associative rings in algebra and representation theory. The most familiar of these is the Hecke algebra of a Coxeter group , also known as Iwahori Hecke algebra, which is a one parameter deformation… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard illuminant — A standard illuminant is a profile or spectrum of visible light which is published in order to allow images or colors recorded under different lighting to be compared.CIE illuminantsThe International Commission on Illumination (usually… …   Wikipedia

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