pyrotechnic display
Смотреть что такое "pyrotechnic display" в других словарях:
display — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 arrangement of things ADJECTIVE ▪ attractive, beautiful, colourful/colorful, dazzling, excellent, fine, good, interesting, stunning … Collocations dictionary
pyrotechnic device — firework fire work (f[imac]r w[^u]rk ), n. 1. A device for producing a striking display of light, or a figure or figures in plain or colored fire, by the combustion of materials that burn in some peculiar manner, as gunpowder, sulphur, metallic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pyrotechnic — adj. Pyrotechnic is used with these nouns: ↑display … Collocations dictionary
Flare (pyrotechnic) — Signal flare redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Signal Flare (Transformers). Pyrotechnics portal … Wikipedia
Fireworks — Firework redirects here. For other uses, see Fireworks (disambiguation). Pyrotechnics portal … Wikipedia
New Year's Eve — For other calendars, see New Year. For other articles with similar names, see New Year (disambiguation). New Year s Eve Also called Hogmanay (Scotland), Calennig (Wales), Silvester (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary,… … Wikipedia
firework — /fuyeur werrk /, n. 1. Often, fireworks. a combustible or explosive device for producing a striking display of light or a loud noise, used for signaling or as part of a celebration. 2. fireworks, a. a pyrotechnic display. b. a display of violent… … Universalium
py´ro|tech´ni|cal|ly — py|ro|tech|nic «PY ruh TEHK nihk, PIHR uh », adjective. 1. of or having to do with fireworks: »a pyrotechnic display. 2. Figurative. resembling fireworks; brilliant; sensational: »pyrotechnic eloquence, pyrotechnic dancing. –py´ro|tech´ni|cal|ly … Useful english dictionary
py|ro|tech|nic — «PY ruh TEHK nihk, PIHR uh », adjective. 1. of or having to do with fireworks: »a pyrotechnic display. 2. Figurative. resembling fireworks; brilliant; sensational: »pyrotechnic eloquence, pyrotechnic dancing. –py´ro|tech´ni|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
ammunition — /am yeuh nish euhn/, n. 1. the material fired, scattered, dropped, or detonated from any weapon, as bombs or rockets, and esp. shot, shrapnel, bullets, or shells fired by guns. 2. the means of igniting or exploding such material, as primers,… … Universalium
pyrotechnics — py|ro|tech|nics [ˌpaırəuˈteknıks US rə ] n [Date: 1800 1900; : Modern Latin; Origin: pyrotechnia, from Greek pyr ( PYRE) + techne art ] 1.) [plural] formal or technical a public show of ↑fireworks 2.) [U] technical the skill or business of making … Dictionary of contemporary English