put-up price

put-up price
отправная цена, отправная цена на аукционе отправная цена

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "put-up price" в других словарях:

  • put a price on — determine the value of you can t put a price on what she has to offer * * * put a price on 1 : to ask for a particular amount of money for (something you are selling) The owners have not yet put a price on the house. 2 : to say how important or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • put a price on sth — Ⅰ. put a price on sth ► to say how much something costs, or is worth: »The latest development makes it difficult to put a price on other bonds and loans. »Staff loyalty is something that you can t really put a price on. Main Entry: ↑price Ⅱ. put… …   Financial and business terms

  • put a price on something — put a price/value/etc on something phrase to make a judgment about the price or amount of something It’s a rare piece of jewellery, but I wouldn’t like to put a value on it. Thesaurus: setting, controlling and changing prices and costshyponym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • put a price/value/figure on sth — ► to say what you think the price or value of something is: »They ve put a price of €2 million on the factory. Main Entry: ↑put …   Financial and business terms

  • put a price (tag) on (something) — to say how much something costs. They finally put a price tag on the proposed renovations. You can t put a price on loyalty …   New idioms dictionary

  • put a price on the head of — offer money in exchange for killing …   English contemporary dictionary

  • put — [ put ] (past tense and past participle put) verb transitive *** ▸ 1 move something to position ▸ 2 cause to be in situation ▸ 3 write/print something ▸ 4 make someone go to place ▸ 5 give position on list ▸ 6 build/place somewhere ▸ 7 express in …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • price tag — ˈprice tag noun [countable] 1. a small ticket showing the price of something: • There s no price tag on this printer. 2. used to talk about the price of something, especially when this is very high: • a project that could have a price tag in… …   Financial and business terms

  • put a figure on sth — Ⅰ. put a figure on sth ► to give an exact amount or number: »It is difficult to put a figure on the cost of the repair work, as it is still rising. Main Entry: ↑figure Ⅱ. put a price/value/figure on sth ► to say what you think the price or value… …   Financial and business terms

  • put a value on sth — put a price/value/figure on sth ► to say what you think the price or value of something is: »They ve put a price of €2 million on the factory. Main Entry: ↑put …   Financial and business terms

  • put a value/figure on sth — put a price/value/figure on sth ► to say what you think the price or value of something is: »They ve put a price of €2 million on the factory. Main Entry: ↑put …   Financial and business terms

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