put emphasis
Смотреть что такое "put emphasis" в других словарях:
put emphasis on — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. stress, dramatize, make clear; see emphasize … English dictionary for students
emphasis */*/*/ — UK [ˈemfəsɪs] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms emphasis : singular emphasis plural emphases UK [ˈemfəsiːz] / US [ˈemfəˌsɪz] 1) special importance or attention that is given to one thing in particular emphasis on: The main emphasis… … English dictionary
emphasis — noun plural emphases / si:z/ (C, U) 1 special importance that is given to one part of something: In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. | place/put emphasis on: The course puts an emphasis on practical work. 2 (C, U) if you put… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
emphasis — n. 1) to lay, place, put emphasis on 2) particular, special emphasis * * * [ emfəsɪs] place put emphasis on special emphasis particular to lay … Combinatory dictionary
emphasis — em|pha|sis [ emfəsıs ] (plural em|pha|ses [ emfə,siz ] ) noun count or uncount *** 1. ) special importance or attention that is given to one thing in particular: emphasis on: The main emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
emphasis — emphasis, stress, accent, accentuation denote exerted force by which one thing stands out conspicuously among other things; they also often designate the effect produced or the means used in gaining this effect. Emphasis implies effort to bring… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
emphasis — [em′fə sis] n. pl. emphases [em′fəsēz΄] [L < Gr emphasis, an appearing in, outward appearance < emphainein, to indicate < en , in + phainein, to show < IE base * bha , to shine > OE bonian, to polish] 1. force of expression,… … English World dictionary
emphasis — noun 1 special importance/attention ADJECTIVE ▪ big (informal), considerable, great, heavy, huge ▪ schools that put a heavy emphasis on sporting achievement ▪ … Collocations dictionary
emphasis — em|pha|sis W2S3 [ˈemfəsıs] n plural emphases [ si:z] [U and C] [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: Greek, from emphainein to show ] 1.) special attention or importance emphasis on ▪ In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness … Dictionary of contemporary English
Emphasis — The etymological origin of emphasis is from the Greek εν(εμ)+ φαίνομαι {em +fenome} aning : to accent the appearance, to underline, to put in bold, make something more significant or important.The word emphasis, in addition to its main dictionary … Wikipedia
emphasis — [[t]e̱mfəsiːz[/t]] ♦♦♦ emphases 1) N VAR: oft N on n Emphasis is special or extra importance that is given to an activity or to a part or aspect of something. Too much emphasis is placed on research... Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in… … English dictionary