Смотреть что такое "push-pin" в других словарях:
Push-pin — was an English child s game popular in the 1500s and 1600s. RulesThe game is played by two or more players who each set one pin (needle) on the brim of a hat. Each player takes turns tapping on the sides of the hat trying to cause pins to cross… … Wikipedia
push|pin — «PUSH PIHN», noun. 1. a thin tack with a glass head, that can be pushed into a wall, bulletin board, or the like, without leaving a noticeable mark. 2. a children s game played with pins. 3. child s play; triviality … Useful english dictionary
Push pin (disambiguation) — A push pin is a short nail or pin with a large, slightly rounded head made of metal.Push pin may also refer to:* Push Pin Studios, a graphic design studio * Push pin, an English child s game … Wikipedia
Push Pin Studios — In 1954, Milton Glaser, Seymour Chwast, Reynold Ruffins and Edward Sorel, founded the Push Pin Studios. For 20 years Glaser and Chwast directed Push Pin, while it became a guiding reference in the world of graphic design.Bibliography*CHWAST,… … Wikipedia
push-pin menu — įkeliamasis meniu statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Meniu, kurį galima įkelti į langą ir nuolat laikyti, o kai nebereikalingas – iškelti. Tai nedidelis (5–10 elementų) ↑išskleidžiamasis meniu, kuris retkarčiais gali būti naudotojui labai… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
push·pin — /ˈpʊʃˌpın/ noun, pl pins [count] US : a short pin that has a large head and that is used to attach things (such as papers or photographs) to a wall or bulletin board compare ↑thumbtack … Useful english dictionary
push-pin — … Useful english dictionary
Pin — A pin is a device used for fastening objects or material together. It is usually made of steel, and is formed by drawing out a thin wire, sharpening the tip, and adding a head.Other types The t pin is a more easily grasped type, with a head made… … Wikipedia
Pin the Tail on the Donkey — with a missing tail is tacked to a wall within easy reach of children.citation title=Pin the Tail on the Donkey author=Joanna Cole author2=Stephanie Calmenson author3=Alan Tiegreen publisher=Chronicle Books year=2004 pages=8–9 isbn= 1587172305]… … Wikipedia
Drawing pin — Push pin redirects here. For other uses, see Push pin (disambiguation). For the local services website, see Thumbtack (website). Brass drawing pin, or thumbtack A drawing pin (British English), thumbtack (American English) , or push pin is a… … Wikipedia
pin — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. peg, spoke, dowel; fastener, bolt, toggle; needle, bodkin, skewer, style; brooch, scarf pin, fraternity pin, tie pin; badge. See ornament, sharpness, marriage. v. t. fasten, hold, bind, rivet, attach … English dictionary for students