purism — PURÍSM s.n. Tendinţă de a elimina dintr o limbă elementele considerate străine de structura ei. – Din fr. purisme. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 27.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 purísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 03.11.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic PURÍSM n … Dicționar Român
Purism — Pur ism, n. [Cf. F. purisme.] Rigid purity; the quality of being affectedly pure or nice, especially in the choice of language; over solicitude as to purity. His political purism. De Quincey. [1913 Webster] The English language, however, . . .… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
purism — [pyoor′iz΄əm] n. [Fr purisme < pur, PURE] 1. strict observance of or insistence on precise usage or on application of formal, often pedantic rules, as in language, art, etc. 2. an instance of this purist n. puristic adj. puristical… … English World dictionary
Purism — This article is about an art style. There is also another meaning for purism, namely linguistic purism. Purism was a form of Cubism advocated by the French painter Amédée Ozenfant and the architect Charles Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier).… … Wikipedia
purism — purist, n. puristic, puristical, adj. puristically, adv. /pyoor iz euhm/, n. 1. strict observance of or insistence on purity in language, style, etc. 2. an instance of this. 3. (often cap.) Fine Arts. a style of art developed in France in the… … Universalium
purism — noun 1》 scrupulous observance of traditional rules or structures, especially in language or style. 2》 (Purism) an early 20th century artistic style and movement rejecting cubism and emphasizing purity of geometric form and the representation of… … English new terms dictionary
purism — noun Date: 1803 1. an example of rigid adherence to or insistence on purity or nicety especially in use of words; especially a word, phrase, or sense used chiefly by purists 2. the quality or practice of adherence to purity especially in language … New Collegiate Dictionary
purism — noun a) An insistence on the traditionally correct way of doing things, especially of language b) An example of purist language etc … Wiktionary
purísm — s. n … Romanian orthography
purism — pur·ism || pjÊŠrɪzm / pjÊŠÉ™ n. strict adherence to purity in behavior (or speech, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
purism — n. Nicety (in the use of words), fastidiousness, squeamishness, daintiness, euphuism, affected elegance, finical style … New dictionary of synonyms